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SAT Test Pattern 2025: Check Subject-wise SAT Test Format

SAT Exam Format 2025: Check Subject-wise SAT Test Format

Rahul Singha


Updated on Jan 25, 2013 16:17

If you want to crack the SAT Exam 2025 with a good score, understanding the SAT digital exam pattern is crucial to preparing best for the exam.


As per the latest information, the college board has released the SAT exam pattern 2025. This year, many changes were found in this pattern, such as timing, sections, and using the calculator. In this section, we have provided the complete information on SAT Paper Pattern 2025 along with the latest changes, scoring pattern, question pattern, etc. So, let’s start with the SAT new pattern.




Table Of Content
  1. SAT Exam Pattern 2025

  2. Highlights of the SAT Digital Exam Pattern

  3. SAT New Pattern 2025

  4. Changes in SAT Exam Pattern 2025

  5. SAT Scoring Pattern - 2025 Pattern with Score Range

  6. SAT Exam Time

  7. SAT Question Pattern - Type of Questions in SAT Exam

  8. FAQs


SAT Exam Pattern 2025

The SAT exam pattern 2025 continues to reflect the College Board's commitment to providing a fair and reliable assessment. The exam comprises two main sections: Reading & Writing and Math (with and without a calculator). There is one optional section called Essay.


Each section in SAT pattern 2025 is designed to assess candidates’ critical skills required for success in college.


Highlights of the SAT Digital Exam Pattern

If you are going to apply for the SAT Exam, it is essential to be aware of important highlights of the SAT paper pattern. Below, we have provided SAT exam pattern 2025 for digital reading & writing and math sections.


SAT Digital Reading & Writing (RW) Section

SAT Digital Math Section


Two-staged: one tests Reading and the other the Writing section. Both are administered across separately timed modules.

Two-staged: The math section is administered via two separately timed modules.

Test length (total operational and pretest questions)

1st module -

25 operational questions

2 pretest questions

2nd module -

25 operational questions

2 pretest questions

1st module -

20 operational questions

2 pretest questions

2nd module -

20 operational questions

2 pretest questions

Time Duration

1st module - 32 minutes

2nd module - 32 minutes

1st module - 35 minutes

2nd module - 35 minutes

Total Questions



Total Time Allocated

64 minutes

70 minutes

Scores Reported

Total score calculation: SAT RW section + SAT Math section scores = 1600

Question Type(s)

Discrete MCQs with four options

MCQ (75%) and student-produced response (SPR)(25%)

Topics Tested

Literature, History / Social Studies, Humanities and Science

Science, Social Science and real-world related topics

Informational Graphics

Tested, includes - tables, bar graphs, line graphs

Also tested

SAT New Pattern 2025

SAT new pattern includes 2 sections – Reading & Writing and Mathematics. There will be a total of 98 questions in all three sections. Candidates must solve all the questions in 2 hours 14 minutes. They also have a chance to answer all the questions even if they are unsure, as there are no negative markings in the exam.

Below, you can check the SAT Exam Pattern 2025.

SAT Sections 2025

Number of Questions Tested

Total Duration (mins)

Reading & Writing









Changes in SAT Exam Pattern 2025

The SAT has undergone notable changes in 2025 to align with evolving educational needs. Here are the key updates in the SAT digital exam pattern.

  • Digital Format - The SAT transitioned to a fully digital format to enhance the testing experience. This change aimed to align the test with the increasing prevalence of digital tools in education.

  • Adaptive Testing - The SAT exam pattern introduced multistage adaptive testing. This means that the difficulty of the questions is based on the test-taker's performance. This adaptive approach provides a more personalised assessment.

  • Streamlined Sections - Some sections of the test were optimised for efficiency, ensuring a more focused and time-efficient testing experience. The SAT pattern has two major 2 sections: Reading & Writing and Maths. The language section has been removed from the SAT Digital Exam Pattern. These streamlined sections help to identify candidates’ skills more correctly.

  • Scoring Changes - The scoring range remained at 200-800 for individual sections, with a total SAT score ranging from 400 to 1600. The optional Essay section continued to be scored on a scale of 6 to 24 separately.

  • Exam Timing – The timing of the SAT has been reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours 14 minutes. All the questions have to be answered within the given time limit.

  • Subject Areas - The SAT traditionally assesses reading, writing, and mathematics skills. The emphasis on these subject areas continued, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of a student's academic abilities.

  • Using a Calculator During the Exam – Now, the college board has allowed a calculator to solve the questions in the Math section. However, the official authority allows a calculator for only one module of the Math section.


SAT Scoring Pattern - 2025 Pattern with Score Range

Understanding the SAT scoring pattern is crucial for test-takers. The scoring range for each section is 200-800 points, with the total SAT score ranging from 400 to 1600. The optional Essay is scored separately, ranging from 6 to 24.      

SAT Section and no. of questions

Time Duration (mins)

Score Range

Reading + Writing

(54 MCQ-Questions)

64 minutes

SAT Reading & Writing score range: 200 to 800


10 minutes



(33 MCQs + 11 SPR-type Questions)

70 minutes

  SAT Math score range: 200 to 800

Below, you can check the separate SAT scoring pattern 2025 for all sections. 


Score Range





Math (Calculator)


Math (No Calculator)




Essay (Optional)


SAT Exam Time

The College Board has set a time limit for completing all the questions in the exam. This time has is divided into 4 parts, which are given below.


Duration (minutes)





Math (Calculator)


Math (No Calculator)




Break Time


SAT Question Pattern - Type of Questions in SAT Exam

Understanding the types of questions in the SAT exam is essential for effective preparation. The SAT question pattern includes multiple-choice questions, grid-ins (where the answer is a numerical value), and the optional Essay section, which evaluates a student's ability to analyse a provided text.

  • Multiple-Choice Questions - These questions present a stem followed by four answer choices, with test-takers selecting the correct response.

  • Grid-In Questions - These require test-takers to solve problems and enter their responses in a grid. These questions assess students' ability to solve mathematical problems without multiple-choice options.

  • Essay (Optional) - The Optional Essay section evaluates a test-taker's reading, analysis, and writing skills in response to a provided passage.


The SAT exam pattern 2025 reflects a commitment to staying relevant in the ever-changing educational landscape. As you found above, the changes to a digital format, adaptive testing, and streamlined sections aim to provide a more accurate and engaging assessment. Knowing the latest changes in the SAT pattern and understanding the SAT scoring pattern and question types empowers you to approach the SAT confidently, knowing you are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.



1. How has the SAT format changed in 2025?

The SAT format in 2025 has transitioned to a fully digital format, introducing adaptive testing and streamlining certain sections for a more efficient and engaging testing experience.


2. What is the scoring range for the optional Essay section?

The optional Essay section is scored separately on a scale of 6 to 24 points.


3. Are there changes in the duration of each SAT section in 2025?

Yes, the shift to a digital format has influenced the duration of each section. Test-takers should refer to the provided SAT digital exam pattern for specific timing details.


4. How are adaptive sections implemented in the new SAT format?

Adaptive sections in the digital SAT format adjust the difficulty of questions based on the test-takers' performance, providing a more personalised assessment.


5. Can I still take the SAT with a paper and pencil in 2025?

No, the SAT will be fully digital in 2025. Paper and pencil testing is no longer available, and all test-takers will complete the exam using a computer.

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