Minimum PTE Score for Canada: Best Scores for Universities and Visa


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 01 June 2024 & Read Time 12 minutes


What is the first country that comes to your mind when you plan to study abroad on an affordable budget? Most probably, it would be Canada! Right? Canada has demonstrated its excellence in the field of education in recent times, wherein course curricula and research facilities offered by Canadian educational institutions are highly appreciated and recognised by study-abroad aspirants.


Now, since Canada is an English-speaking country, international students from a country whose native language is not English have to prove their language proficiency skills before enrolling in Canadian Universities. In order to show their language skills, students can appear for English proficiency tests. One of the most popular English proficiency tests that various Canadian universities and colleges accept is PTE (Pearson Test of English). PTE is a computer-based English proficiency test that evaluates a student's command of the language intending to apply to abroad universities. 


So, if you plan to appear for the PTE test to study in Canada but don’t know how much score is required? Then, this blog is for you! Here, we’ll discuss the PTE requirements for Canada for studying and obtaining a visa in Canada.

How Much PTE Score Required for Canada?

Now, here, let’s first discuss the PTE score required for Canada.




Canadian universities typically accept a range of English language proficiency tests, including the PTE, IELTS, and TOEFL. The PTE requirements for Canada can vary from one institution to another, and they may also differ based on the level of study – undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral – and the specific program you're applying to.

Level of study

Canada PTE score requirement


45 Overall (Min. 36 in each module)


50 Overall (Min 45 in each module)


65 Overall (Min 50 in each module)

For undergraduate programs, many universities in Canada require a PTE Academic score of around 55 to 65. However, some competitive programs or universities may require higher scores, often approximately 65 to 70 or more. Whereas, for graduate programs, including master's and doctoral degrees, the Minimum PTE score for Canada tends to be slightly higher.


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A score of around 60 to 70 is commonly required, but this can vary depending on the institution and program. Only some competitive programs might demand scores of 70 to 80 or even higher. On the other side, if we talk about the diploma and advanced diploma programs, then various colleges accept PTE scores between the range of 50 to 55.


Hence, it is essential to research the specific requirements of the university/ college and program you're interested in to determine the exact PTE score required for Canada. Also, note that different universities and programs might have varying score requirements. Some might focus on individual PTE sections, such as speaking, writing, reading, and listening, while others might have an overall Canada PTE score requirement.

PTE Score

Availability of Universities based on Ranking


Majority of universities, with most ranking in the top 50-100


Mid to High ranked universities, typically ranking in the top 80-200


A selective number of universities, mostly ranking within the top 300-800+


A limited number of universities, typically ranking above 400

Additionally, certain universities might offer conditional admission, allowing you to meet the English proficiency requirement while studying an English language preparatory course before beginning your main program of study. Furthermore, when we think of visas, there are specific PTE requirements for Canada student visas, which is a 60 score overall.


Getting an offer letter from a recognised Canadian educational institution itself proves that students have enough English language skills.


Top PTE-Accepting Universities in Canada

Here, we have curated a list of some of the best universities in Canada accepting PTE scores for enrolling international students.

Name of University 

Minimum PTE score for Canada

St. Thomas University


University of Ottawa


Brock University


University Canada West


Nipissing University


Western University


University of Calgary


Mcmaster University


York University


University of Waterloo


McGill University


Dalhousie University


Simon Fraser University


University of Alberta

61 – 68

University of British Columbia

65- 72

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Top PTE Accepting Colleges in Canada

Below is the list of PTE accepted in Canada colleges for Indian students and the scores required by them.


Minimum PTE Score for Canada

Seneca College

A minimum overall score of 60

George Brown College

Overall 60 with a minimum of 55 in each skill band

Conestoga College

Overall score of 50 with not less than 36 in any individual module

Centennial College

A minimum overall score of 60

Humber College

The minimum overall score is from 58 to 60 for an undergraduate degree, and the minimum overall score is from 61 to 64 for a graduate degree.

Niagara College

A minimum overall score of 51 with no less than 36 in any section

Georgian College

An overall score of 61

Durham College

An overall score between 58 to 64, depending on the course

Also, Read: Cost of Studying in Canada

What to do When Enough PTE Score is Not Achieved

First, pat yourself on the back for trying the PTE since achieving the desired score can be challenging. Here are 3 solutions you can implement if you are facing difficulties in achieving the minimum PTE score for Canada.


Retake the PTE Test

There is always an option to re-appear for the test. The PTE Academic Exam administering organisation does not place a limit on the number of times a candidate may take the exam. The board has just set the requirement that candidates take their next exam no later than five days from the previous one.


As a result, applicants may take the PTE Academic exam as many times as they desire and as many times as they like. So, if you are also ready to retake the test, assess all your weaknesses and apply for it again by working on the improvement areas.


Opt for Any Other Proficiency Test

Apart from PTE, various other English proficiency tests, such as IELTS and TOEFL, are also accepted by Canadian universities. These tests are an alternative to the PTE test and are recognised by various institutes in Canada.


Consider Foundation Programs

If you cannot fulfil PTE requirements for Canada colleges or universities, you can look forward to foundation programs to improve your language skills before starting the main course. Various universities and colleges in Canada offer foundation courses for students who have yet to achieve the desired score on their  English proficiency test.


Apart from this, various universities and colleges accept low PTE scores. So, search for those universities/ colleges and apply to them.


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Minimum PTE Score for Canada Student Visa

Understanding the correlation between the minimum PTE score for Canada and visa approval is highly crucial. The minimum PTE score for Canada often enhances the likelihood of a successful visa application, demonstrating language proficiency and readiness for academic endeavours in Canada.


Canadian immigration authorities typically have a specific minimum PTE score for Canada visa applicants. Delving into these minimum scores clarifies the expectations and helps applicants align their language proficiency with immigration standards. The points below outline the minimum PTE for Canada that is necessary to correspond to various levels of English proficiency.

  1. Functional English: Overall Score 30

  2. Vocational English: 36 in each section

  3. Competent English: 50 in each section

  4. Proficient English: 65 in each section

  5. Superior English: 79 in each section


This section offers practical tips, study strategies, and insights into effective test-taking approaches. Aiming for a minimum PTE score for Canada enhances your visa application, increasing the chances of approval.


Also, Read: IELTS Score for Canada

The process of student visa application goes hand in hand with the application process of your dream university in Canada. Therefore, make sure to go through the following application requirements in advance to study in Canada.


Candidates first need to apply at CIC (Citizen and Immigration) using one of the two application processes listed below.

  • Regular Student Permit

  • Direct Stream Student


Regular Student Permit

With a standard student permit, applicants can apply online or in person at the head office using a paper application. This is a traditional method. However, the eligibility and verification processes are the same for both application processes.


Direct Stream Student

Students who wish to apply through the direct stream can do so by applying online at the CIC website. Candidates must then wait at least 20 days to hear from the visa authority.

Tips to Improve PTE Scores

Tailoring your PTE exam preparation to your individual learning style and identifying specific areas of improvement is key. Begin with a SWOT analysis of your language skills (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).


Allocate additional focus to bolster your weaknesses while ensuring ample time is dedicated to refining your strengths. Let’s explore additional strategies for effective preparation:

  • Engage in numerous mock tests to acquaint yourself with the test format.

  • Practice with a timer to gauge and enhance your speed in answering questions.

  • Hone listening skills by actively listening to podcasts and jotting down observations.

  • Cultivate reading habits with books and newspapers, paying attention to new words.

  • Improve writing skills through regular practice; dedicate time daily to respond to various prompts.

  • Enhance speaking abilities by conversing in English regularly, even if only with yourself. Record and review your spoken language to identify areas for improvement.


In summary, PTE is acceptable in Canada by various educational institutes as proof of English language skills. However, the minimum PTE score for Canada may vary depending on the university and course. Therefore, searching for the specific university and program you're interested in is important to determine the exact score needed for admission. As a whole, be sure to plan ahead, take the test early, and prepare thoroughly to ensure you meet the English language proficiency requirements for your desired academic journey in Canada.


If you are still unsure or would like to get a deeper insight to study in Canada, we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance regarding your application to study in Canada. Apart from this, our expert counsellors will also provide assistance in the visa process for your successful study abroad journey. Don't hesitate to contact us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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Question: Is PTE accepted in Canada?

Answer: Yes, many Canadian universities accept PTE scores as part of their admissions process for international students.


Question: Is PTE accepted for Canada PR?

Answer: No, as of now, the PTE score is not acceptable to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for providing the PR.


Question: What Minimum PTE Score for Canada is required for the student visa?

Answer: The required PTE (Pearson Test of English) score for a Canadian student visa can vary depending on the program and university. Generally, a minimum overall score of 50 to 61 is recommended, but it's essential to check the specific requirements of your chosen university and program.


Question: What would be the PTE requirements for Canada after the 12th?

Answer: The PTE requirements for Canada vary depending on the program and university you choose. However, generally, for undergraduate courses, students require PTE scores between 50 to 60. For diploma courses, students need a PTE score required for Canada between 50 to 55.


Question: What is PTE Academic?

Answer: The computer-based PTE Academic English language proficiency exam determines non-native speakers' proficiency in the language. The four elements of the test speaking, writing, Reading, and Listening—evaluate an applicant's ability to use the language in an academic setting.


Question: What is Canada's success rate for PTE visas?

Answer: If your university has admitted you based solely on your PTE score, the success rate for PTE visas in Canada is relatively high. In such circumstances, the Canadian government will accept your PTE score as a whole. It's crucial to remember that exams for English ability don't determine whether or not a student may obtain a visa. A student's sincere desire to study and financial stability are two more important considerations when applying for a visa.


Question: Is PTE accepted in Canada for student visas?

Answer: PTE is accepted in Canada to obtain a student visa, including the well-liked Student Direct Stream (SDS) option. PTE Academic is a commonly approved alternative for study permit applications, as it is recognised by most Canadian Designated Learning Institutes (DLIs).


Question: Is it possible to retake the PTE Academic exam?

Answer: Absolutely, if you wish to raise your score on the PTE Academic, you can retake the test. You can retake it as many times as you like. Just keep in mind that there must be a minimum of five days between attempts. To increase your chances of receiving the necessary score, ensure you've studied well and addressed any areas where you may improve before setting up a retake.


Question: What are a few of the best Canadian universities that accept PTE scores? 

Answer: McGill University, the University of British Columbia (UBC), and McMaster University are among the greatest universities in Canada that accept PTE scores.


Question: What is the minimum PTE score needed to enter Canada after graduation?

Answer: The PTE score needed for master's degrees in Canada varies according to the university and program. However, a typical standard is sometimes a minimum score of 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each subject, much to the IELTS standards. Candidates should check the official websites of the colleges they have selected for particular requirements regarding PTE scores, as these can vary from school to university and should be verified for accuracy.

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