Upcoming Intakes in Europe 2024: Guide For International Students


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 08 November 2023 & Read Time 7 minutes



European countries are some of the best in the world for offering top-notch education, affordable tuition fees and excellent job opportunities. Europe is a continent with 50 countries and 4 primary time zones, and due to the geographical distribution of the continent, intakes vary throughout the various nations.


If you are also looking to study in Europe, then you must have prior knowledge about the intakes in various countries. In this blog, we will shed some light on the intakes in Europe, along with many other things. So, without any further ado, let’s start this interesting read.


Intakes in Europe

Europe consists of many different countries that offer students chances to study there by opening admissions in different intakes. Let us take a look at the various countries in Europe and the intakes offered to international students.




January & September


Summer (September/October); winter(April)


September and February


Spring (February) and Fall (September) 


October & February


September/October & February


Autumn & Winter

Timeline of the Intakes in Europe

 Let us take a look at the timeline of intakes in Europe for you to understand better how you must proceed with things.



10-8 months before intake 

Start preparing for the English language proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL or other standardised exams like GMAT, GRE, SAT, etc. 

7-6 months before intake 

In this time period, start looking for universities and courses after assessing your English language proficiency scores. Also, figure out your budget, country and location. 

4-5 months before the intake

Start with your application process and gather all the required documents and letters of recommendation. 

1 Month Before the Application Date

Prepare your statement of purpose.

Application Opens 

Apply to all the shortlisted universities. Also, make sure you submit all the required documents without missing any. 

After all the steps mentioned above, wait to hear back from the universities. After you receive the offer letters, accept the one you wish to attend and proceed with the rest of the procedure.


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Top Universities to Apply to in These Intakes

Let’s check out the top universities in each of the countries mentioned above in their respective intakes.



Top Universities in all the intakes in France are:

  • PSL Research University

  • Ecole Polytechnique

  • Sorbonne University

  • CentraleSupélec University

  • University of Burgundy

  • Paris-Sorbonne University

  • Paris Diderot University

  • Grenoble School of Management

  • INSEAD Business School

  • Paris Dauphine University



The top Universities in all the intakes in Germany are:

  • The Technical University of Munich

  • The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

  • Heidelberg University

  • The Technical University of Berlin

  • RWTH Aachen University

  • The Free University of Berlin

  • The University of Tubingen



The top Universities in all the intakes in the Netherlands are:

  • Amsterdam UAS (HvA)

  • Amsterdam University College

  • Avans UAS

  • The Eindhoven University of Technology

  • Fontys UAS


  • University College Utrecht

  • The University of Groningen

  • VU University Amsterdam

  • Wageningen University

  • Wittenborg UAS

  • Maastricht School of Management

  • Rotterdam Business School 



The top Universities in all the intakes in Ireland are:

  • Trinity College Dublin

  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

  • University College Dublin

  • National University of Ireland Galway

  • University College Cork

  • Dublin City University

  • Galway Business School



The top Universities in all the intakes in Spain are:

  • University of Barcelona

  • University of Navarra

  • Charles III University of Madrid

  • University of Valencia

  • University of Alcala

  • Autonomous University of Barcelona



The top Universities in all the intakes in Poland are:

  • University of Warsaw

  • Jagiellonian University

  • Warsaw University of Technology

  • Adam Mickiewicz University

  • Cracow University of Technology

  • Lodz University of Technology



The top Universities in all the intakes in Latvia are:

  • Riga Technical University

  • Transport and Telecommunication Institute

  • Turiba University

  • University of Latvia

  • Riga Stradins University

  • Liepaja University 


Top Courses in Europe in all the Intakes

Let us take a look at some of the top courses in all of the intakes in Europe.

  • Medicine

  • Architecture

  • Nursing

  • Dentistry

  • Law

  • International Relations

  • Environmental Science 

  • Data Science 



In conclusion, Europe offers a multitude of options and opportunities to international students wanting to study there. European countries are famous for their pristine locations, landscapes, culture and all the top universities. There are also countries in Europe where tuition fees are close to none. Overall, while planning to opt for any of the intakes in Europe and studying there, keep the information mentioned in the blog above in mind and do your research thoroughly. We know you’ll do great and wish you luck with your future endeavours.


We hope you enjoyed reading about the intakes in Europe and got some beneficial insights into all topics. So, are you also ready to start your study abroad journey to Europe? If yes, then we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC).


If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance regarding your application to study in Europe. Apart from this, our expert counsellors will also provide assistance in the visa process for your successful study abroad journey.


Don't hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or call us at 1800-1230-00011.  



Q1. When do the upcoming intakes for European universities in 2024 usually start for international students?

Ans. The start dates for upcoming intakes in Europe can vary depending on the country and institution. However, in general, most intakes for international students in Europe begin between September and October.


Q2. What are the application deadlines for international students for the upcoming intakes in Europe in 2024?

Ans. Application deadlines for European universities in 2024 can vary greatly, so it's important to check the specific deadlines for each institution and program you are interested in. Generally, application deadlines for international students in Europe fall between December and April, but some popular programs may have earlier deadlines.


Q3. Are there any specific requirements or qualifications that international students need to meet to be eligible for the upcoming intakes in Europe in 2024?

Ans. Yes, eligibility requirements and qualifications vary depending on the university and program. Typically, international students are required to have completed a recognised secondary education qualification, such as a high school diploma or equivalent. Additionally, they may need to demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction, provide standardised test scores (such as the SAT or TOEFL), and submit letters of recommendation or a personal statement.


Q4. How can international students find information about available programs and universities for the upcoming intakes in Europe in 2024?

Ans. There are several ways for international students to gather information about available programs and universities in Europe for 2024 intakes. They can visit official university websites, explore online education portals, attend education fairs, or seek guidance from education consultants specialising in study abroad opportunities.


Q5. What are some popular European countries for international students in the upcoming intakes in 2024, and what makes them attractive destinations for studying?

Ans. Some attractive destinations include Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Sweden. These countries offer a wide range of high-quality programs, renowned universities, and research opportunities.

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