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Get Archaeology Degree in UK | Top Universities Offering Courses

Get a Degree in Archaeology from the UK


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 25 April 2023 & Read Time 5 minutes



Do you find yourself occupied with the past, trying your best to understand how we got here, and how history has shaped your present? With urbanisation and digitization the world has seen major cultural shifts, increasingly complicating our comprehension of what led to now. Students with a zest for learning who want to utilise their skills in uncovering the mysteries of the past should put their energy into studying archaeology courses UK.


You can unveil these secrets and provide the world with the hidden knowledge they crave. In the United Kingdom, you would have every resource an archaeologist needs at your disposal, from cutting-edge courses taught by professionals to technologically advanced equipment. Let this blog answer all your queries about choosing an archaeology program in the UK, as well as the job opportunities available to those with this degree.

What is Archaeology?

Fascinated by ancient civilisations?

In many movies you must have seen archaeologists digging and doing research on Egyptian mummies and things they have found buried in the mud. They examine them with the help of technology and gain insight into how old things are. They use these things to tell us how people used to live because there is no other source from which we can understand how people lived before. So, now whenever we think about archaeologists' work, the first thing that pops up in mind is the imagery of Egypt, where they roam amidst the vast open areas trying to find hidden gems. Don’t limit the meaning of an archaeologist to research in Egypt as there are various other opportunities.


You should start with a better understanding of what archaeology is: 

In basic terms, it is the study of human history and prehistory. It is studied using various methods such as the analysis of artefacts and structures, excavations, and examining other physical remains. Archaeology is a multifaceted field that combines aspects of geology, history, and anthropology to understand how humans survived in the past. The main benefit of studying Archaeology UK is that there is great technological advancement from which one can learn the latest procedures and get exposure to using the highest-quality instruments. 


The role of an archaeologist is to recreate and explain actions, ideologies, and behaviours of past cultures, and to understand the diversity and the complexity of human societies over time.

Top Universities to Study Archaeology in the UK

Have a look at some of the top universities that provide archaeology degree in the UK:



University College London

  • BA Archaeology

  • BA Archaeology and Anthropology

  • BA Archaeology of Egypt and Sudan

  • BA Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilisation

  • BSc Archaeology

  • MA Archaeology

  • MA Cultural Heritage Studies

Cardiff University

  • BA Archaeology and Ancient History

  • BA Archaeology and History

  • BSc Conservation of Objects in Museums and Archaeology

  • BA Archaeology

  • MA Archaeology

  • MSc Archaeological Science

Queen’s University Belfast

  • BA Anthropology and Archaeology

  • BAArchaeology

  • MSci Archaeology

  • BSc Archaeology-Palaeoecology

  • BSc Archaeology-Palaeoecology and Geography

  • BA Archaeology and History

Durham University

  • BA archaeology

  • BSc Archaeology with Foundation

  • MA Archaeology

  • MA Museum and Artefact Studies

  • MA International Cultural Heritage Management

  • MA Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects

Staffordshire University

  • BSc Humanitarian Archaeology

  • MSc Forensic Archaeology and Genocide Investigation

  • MA Forensic Archaeology and Genocide Investigation

University of Birmingham

  • BA Ancient History and archaeology

  • BA Social Anthropology and Archaeology

  • Antiquity MA: Archaeology Pathway

  • MRes Archaeology

  • BA Ancient History & Archaeology and History

Newcastle University

  • BSc (Hons) Archaeology

  • BA (Hons) Ancient History and Archaeology

  • BA (Hons) History and Archaeology

  • MA Archaeology

  • MA Classics and Ancient History

University of Liverpool

  • BSc (Hons) Archaeology

  • BA (Hons) Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations

  • BSc (Hons) Evolutionary Anthropology

  • MA Archaeology

  • MSc Archaeology

  • MRes Archaeology

  • MA Classics and Ancient History

University of St. Andrews

  • MA Ancient History

  • MA Ancient History and Archaeology

  • MA Archaeology

  • MLitt Classics

University of Exeter

  • BA Ancient History and Archaeology

  • BSc Archaeological Science

  • BSc Archaeology with Forensic Science

  • BA Archaeology

  • BA Archaeology and Anthropology

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Later Operations through this Degree

The moment a person is ready with all the necessary skill sets, it is time to enter the world of ancient history as a detective. Don’t be mistaken by the notion that you can only do research in the field, there are various other job opportunities, such as:


  • Archaeologist

  • Cultural Resource Manager

  • Heritage Manager

  • Museum or Gallery Curator

  • Historical Consultant

  • Academic Researcher

  • Cultural Heritage Tourism

  • Lecturer

  • Documentation Specialist

These are just a few examples of what you can do after completing your studies in archaeology. There are various other opportunities, you just have to find your interest and apply accordingly. To become a well-renowned archaeologist, a person must have the following qualities, so that no one can beat you, for instance:


  • Zeal for learning the answers to How, When, What, and Who did things in the past

  • Organised research skills

  • Dedication, focus and motivation

  • IT skills

  • Most important: an interest in archaeology


To conclude, the United Kingdom is a place where students can have worldly exposure, and gain practical experience. Everything that a student needs to complete their degree and achieve heights in future is available in the UK.


We hope we have conveyed the archaeology degree UK. For deeper insight, we encourage you to have a word with our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you cannot travel to our office, you can avail of our free online counselling service via the website. Our team is filled with dedicated counsellors who will provide you with the best guidance and support so that you can enrol yourself at the top universities and study in UK and have the opportunity to gain worldly exposure. Please do not stop yourself from contacting us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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