Describe an Interesting Conversation That You Had - IELTS Speaking Cue Card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 17 April 2024 & Read Time 9 minutes


Have you had enough experience responding to the IELTS speaking section? Are you confident that you have prepared enough? Don't worry if it doesn't work out—it's never too late. Start by reading this article, which explains how to answer questions like "Describe an Interesting Conversation that you had" on an IELTS cue card in an orderly way. 


Describe an interesting conversation that you had cue card - sample answer 1


A few months back, I felt low about my weight and body appearance. It was a tough time for me.




Who did you have with? Where did you have it

So, during that time, one of my cousins, a dietician, paid a visit to my house. She gave me some advice and claimed that if I followed it, it would change my life, and she was correct. She directed me in the right direction for managing my weight.


What was the conversation?

She shared some advice with me, saying it could change my life. Turns out, she was right! We talked about how we eat and think about food. She suggested going back to our roots and eating the way our ancestors did.  For example, she emphasised that clarified butter (ghee), popular with our forefathers but abandoned by the current generation, is actually beneficial to our health.  She added that focusing on nutrients is more important than just counting calories.


Why did you have it?

After our conversation, I decided to change my eating habits. I stopped following trendy diets and started eating like I used to when I was growing up. I ate homemade foods and the dishes my mom used to make. Before talking to her, I used to believe that the only way to lose weight was to diet or restrict my food intake, starve or eat less, and engage in a variety of difficult workouts. But she told me something different. She said eating smaller portions and enjoying what you eat can help you lose weight, too. She called it kickstarting your metabolism.


Apart from this, she also said it's important to eat foods you like instead of trying to copy diets from other cultures. She refers to it as food miles. Fruits and grains grown and gathered nearby are more nutritious for the local populace.



After our conversation, I felt inspired. I even read a book she recommended and found it interesting. That book taught me that eating a balanced diet with all the proper nutrients can help you lose weight and stay healthy. Now, thanks to the changes I made in my eating habits, I feel better and have more energy.


Also, Read: Describe a useful object in your home that you can’t live without


Describe an interesting conversation that you had cue card - sample answer 2


Once, while waiting for a train in Jodhpur, I met a stranger, and we started talking. It was fun chatting with him, and I'm happy to share the details of that conversation with you.


Who did you have with? Where did you have it?

I met this guy at Jodhpur station while waiting for my train.  He was also waiting for a train, and we talked about different things. He suddenly began talking about people's suffering and other issues. The talk gradually shifted in an intriguing direction, and I joined him. The mutual chat covered various topics and was a pleasant experience. Sadly, our chat had to end when my train arrived.


What was the conversation?

Our conversation mainly revolved around unemployment in the city. I learned a lot about the issue, especially how many educated young people struggle to find jobs. It was surprising to hear that even though these youngsters were well-educated, they were still facing rejection from the government and private jobs.


Why did you have it?

The stranger shared his own experience of being unemployed despite being educated. The man explained that he had completed his postgraduate studies at a reputable university in Delhi and was now spending his free time in Jodhpur, his hometown. He was disheartened by the unfair practices in the job market. We even discussed that he had an upcoming interview with a research organisation dedicated to improving sanitation in the country.



Our conversation started with the everyday struggles of people relying on public transport and gradually shifted to the bigger issue of unemployment. Hearing about the challenges people face in finding jobs was eye-opening and made me curious to learn more. Overall, it was a memorable and engaging conversation.


Also, Read: Describe something in your country that you are interested in - IELTS cue card


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Describe an interesting conversation that you had cue card - sample answer 3


I love checking out new places like cafes, restaurants, and parks in the city. Meeting new people is one of the best parts about visiting new places. Let me share a cool chat I had with this one kid in the park just two weeks ago.


Who did you have with? Where did you have it?

Once, I was roaming around the city park when I met a stranger. Even though he was small, he talked like a grown-up. He had strong opinions about what was going on in society.


What was the conversation?

We talked about a variety of topics. He was really into politics and how our leaders run the country. Some of the things he said really got me thinking. He wasn't too happy with the ministers either.


Why did you have it?

What fascinated me most wasn't just what he said but how he said it. He cared a lot about society but had trouble putting it into words. He seemed very concerned about the country’s future.



Talking with people can open our eyes to new ideas. It's a great way to see things from different angles.


Also, Read: Describe a Good Advertisement that You Think is Useful - IELTS Cue Card


IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up questions

Q: Which conversation is better, phone or face-to-face?

A: I believe that casual discussions can be conducted over the phone; however, long or significant conversations should be conducted in person. Personally, I believe that physical presence is an important component of the dialogue. As a result, face-to-face communication is preferable to a phone conversation.


Q: What is the difference between the conversation between men and women?

A: There's not much of a difference between men's and women's interactions in today's environment. Previously, there were stereotypes that guys talk about business, news, sports, and politics, while ladies spoke about cooking, family, children, clothing, and fashion. However, this distinction has faded with time. Males and females excel in all fields and are interested in all things. Other than personal gender discussions, there does not appear to be any variation in conversational themes.


Q: Is it important to use visual aids during presentations?

A: Although it is not important to use visual aids during presentations, they can make them more interesting and appealing. Therefore, using visual aids in your presentation is a great idea.


Q: Why do people get nervous while they give presentations?

A: They are most likely introverts. Introverts dislike being in a crowd and especially dislike being the centre of attention. As a result, those who become nervous during presentations may be introverts.


Q: Do you think humour is important for the speaker?

A: Yes, humour can be used to spice up a speech and keep the audience's attention. However, while conversing on sombre topics, you should avoid using humour.


Q: Why is body language important?

A: Body language is one of the most essential types of nonverbal communication since it conveys a person's feelings and intentions. While communicating, posture, facial expressions, and hand gestures are all examples of body language. If something is not said, it may always be deduced from a person's body language.


Q: Who do you prefer chatting with – your parents or friends?

A: It is important for me to have conversations with both of them. I tell my parents about my daily activities, whereas I discuss studies, sports, and films with my pals.


Q: What kind of speaker do you like?

A: I admire the speaker's ability to keep my attention. He or she should be animated and hold my attention throughout the discourse.


Q: Do most people have just a small number of friends or many friends?

A: Of course, there is a distinction because most people have a limited number of friends, which depends on their interaction, or if they are not a social butterfly, they will have fewer friends.


Q: Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?

A: One downside of face-to-face communication is the person's lack of confidence and inability to express himself freely owing to anxiousness. Conflicts that occur face-to-face may also turn ugly. But, on the whole, face-to-face talks are beneficial since they allow for precise and honest communication. It also allows for more obvious facial expressions and hand gestures, which aid in more efficiently expressing opinions.


Also, Read: Describe a Party That You Enjoyed - IELTS Cue Card



Practising speaking in front of parents, siblings, friends, or a mentor, together with researching structured delivery methods for cue card topics like "Describe an interesting conversation that you had," is the best way to prepare for the IELTS exam's speaking section. Seek their feedback once you've completed the description. You can refer to the framework mentioned above for this cue card topic to clearly understand how to approach giving an organised description that will impress the examiner.


We hope the information shared in the blog enhances your understanding of speaking cue card topics and respective responses. Moreover, students who wish to study abroad or prepare for IELTS may contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for IELTS preparation. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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