Student Safety Guide for Indian Students in Canada


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 28 July 2023 & Read Time 10 minutes



Studying abroad is a dream shared by many Indian students, and Canada has emerged as a popular destination for international education. With its world-class universities, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes, Canada offers students a unique and enriching experience.


However, moving to a foreign country can also present challenges, particularly when it comes to safety. At some point in deciding to study in Canada, many questions, like whether it is safe to study in Canada, and if something happens, how I will handle everything alone, come to our head. There are always moments of hesitation, and all for good intentions. Safety is a concern that should never be invalidated. We understand the turmoil you can go through. That’s why we came up with this guide.


This comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable insights and safety tips for Indian students in Canada to ensure their well-being. So, let’s keep our worries aside for a few minutes and start reading this safety guide. Shall we?


Why Should One Study in Canada?

Before we move forward with all the tips and guides, let’s take a look at the question of the century. Many students wonder what it is about Canada that we must choose it for our study abroad endeavours. It’s just another country with freezing weather where almost all Indians seem to go to. Well, it’s not just another country where temperatures are low, and the Indian population is high. Canada is so much more with its education quality, top universities and an experience like no other.


In today’s time, when study abroad is rapidly gaining momentum, many study abroad destinations have emerged at the top spots. But Canada has surpassed most. The country’s reputation as a leading study destination is well-earned, and there are several compelling reasons why Indian students choose to study in Canada. Let’s take a look at a few of them.


1. Quality Education: Canada boasts high academic standards and is home to numerous top-ranking universities known for their research programs and world-class faculty. These universities offer quality education to home and international students with options to choose from a plethora of courses. Students are provided with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the future, thanks to the emphasis on practical learning, research opportunities, and cutting-edge teaching techniques.


2. Multicultural Environment: Canadian society is known for its diversity and inclusiveness, making it a welcoming place for international students from all backgrounds. This multicultural environment helps students grow alongside their peers, who all bring new skills to the table. This also builds many interpersonal relationships, which help students throughout their lives.


3. Post-Graduation Work Opportunities: Canada offers excellent post-graduation work permit options, allowing students to gain valuable work experience after completing their studies. Canada offers post-graduation work permits that let students stay in the country and work for up to three years after they graduate. This offers a useful way to acquire work experience in Canada and possibly transition to permanent residence.


4. Safety and Quality of Life: Canada consistently ranks among the safest countries globally, making it an attractive option for parents and students concerned about security. The authorities and Canadian government takes extra measures to ensure the safety of international students and helps them wherever they need it.


5. Affordable Education: Studying abroad has always been an expensive affair. In this, it is extremely necessary to select a destination that can offer quality education that too at affordable rates. Canada offers a relatively affordable education system compared to other popular study destinations. There are also many scholarships available that you can benefit from. 


Is Canada Safe for Indian Students?

Is Canada safe? Would I face any safety issues there as an international? Will I be able to survive? These are common questions that students ponder over. Safety is a primary concern for any student studying abroad, and Indian students considering or studying in Canada need not worry. Canada is known for its peaceful and safe environment, with low crime rates compared to many other countries. The Canadian government and institutions are proactive in ensuring the safety and well-being of international students.


While overall safety is good, it is essential for Indian students to be aware of their surroundings and follow some general safety precautions. The next section will cover some tips to enhance student safety in Canada.


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Guide and Safety Tips for Indian Students in Canada

Now that we have established basic grounds on why students must consider to study in Canada and answered the question of whether Canada is safe for Indian students, it is time to move to our next section of safety tips for Indian students in Canada. In this section, we’ll have a brief outlook on some safety tips for Indian students in Canada to keep in mind before and after moving to the country and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. So, without any further ado, let’s start this interesting, comprehensive guide, shall we?


1. Research Your Destination: Before arriving in Canada, research the city and neighbourhood where you'll be living. Understand the local culture, laws, and emergency services available. Familiarise yourself with the campus and its resources.


2. Accommodation: Choose safe and reputable accommodation options, such as university dorms or certified homestays. If renting off-campus, ensure the property and landlord are legitimate.


3. Travel Safely: Use public transportation or reputable ride-sharing services for commuting, especially at night. If walking, stick to well-lit and populated areas.


4. Emergency Contacts: Save important phone numbers, including local emergency services, the Indian embassy or consulate, and the university's international student support services.


5. Health and Insurance: Obtain comprehensive health insurance to cover medical emergencies. Familiarise yourself with healthcare facilities near your place of residence.


6. Financial Safety: Be cautious with your finances and avoid publicly displaying large amounts of cash. Use secure ATMs and be wary of sharing financial information.


7. Cultural Sensitivity: Respect Canadian customs and traditions while maintaining your own cultural identity. This mutual respect fosters a safe and harmonious environment.


8. Socializing: Be cautious when socialising with new people, both online and offline. Meet in public places and inform someone you trust about your plans.


9. Alcohol and Substance Use: If you choose to consume alcohol or substances, do so responsibly and in moderation. Never leave your drink unattended.


10. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated about local news, events, and safety advisories. Join student forums or groups to stay connected and share experiences with peers.


What to Do in an Emergency as an International Student in Canada?

We have already demonstrated that Canada is a safe country for Indian students and provided you with some safety tips. However, unforeseen circumstances can happen and can cause panic. In such circumstances, it becomes hard to fathom what you must do. Well, as an international student, you can take the following actions in case of emergency:


If you are on your university campus, go right to the office for international students and request assistance. Additionally, feel free to speak with administrators and contact the nearby campus police. Additionally, if you suspect wrongdoing outside the campus as an international student or engage in wrongdoing yourself, immediately call 911. For police, ambulances, and fire departments, this is a typical Canadian number. Do not fear the police; they are your best option to avoid trouble and minimise the mess.



Q1. Do I need to be fluent in English/French to study in Canada?

A. While proficiency in English or French is essential for most academic programs, many universities offer language support and preparatory courses to improve language skills.


Q2. How can I deal with homesickness?

A. Homesickness is common among international students. Stay connected with family and friends through video calls and social media. Engage in university activities and clubs to make new friends and feel more at home.


Q3. Can I work while studying in Canada?

A. Yes, as an international student with a study permit, you are allowed to work on or off campus during your studies. However, there are certain restrictions, so be sure to check the regulations.


Q4. What do I do in case of an emergency?

A. In case of an emergency, dial 911 for immediate assistance. For other non-emergency situations, reach out to your university's support services or local authorities.


Q5. How do I stay safe during extreme weather conditions in Canada?

A. Canada experiences varying weather conditions, including extreme cold in some regions. Dress appropriately, stay informed about weather forecasts, and follow advice from locals and authorities.


Q6. What problems do Indian students face in Canada?

A. The Most Common Challenges Faced By Indian Students Studying In Canada

  • Socialising and feeling a sense of belonging.

  • Cooking your own meals and staying healthy.

  • Adapting to and understanding accents.

  • Homesickness and keeping in touch with family.

  • Budgeting your finances and spending wisely.


Q7. Is it worth moving to Canada from India as a student? Can students get PR in Canada?

A. Yes, Canada is 100% worth moving from Canada if you’re looking to grow your personal, academic or professional life. International students can apply for PR during their study process or after completing their studies, provided they fulfil all the eligibility criteria of the immigration program under which they're applying.


Q8. Which city is best to live in Canada for Indian students?

A. Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver, and Toronto are just a few best cities in Canada for Indian Students. They have high employment opportunities, accepting people and culture that is easy to fit in. Additionally, they are also affordable.


Q9. Which is the safest place in Canada for Indians?

A. Ottawa is considered one of the safest cities in Canada. Canada's capital city also offers a high quality of life and low living costs.


Q10. What are some simple suggestions for Canadian students' safety?

A. The following are some brief pointers:

1) Dial 911 whenever necessary

2) Constantly take known routes and paths

3) Remain in contact with your friends and family at all times. 



In conclusion, Canada offers an incredible opportunity for Indian students to pursue their educational aspirations and experience a diverse and welcoming culture. While the country is commonly safe, it is crucial for international students to be proactive about their safety and be prepared to handle unforeseen situations. By following the safety tips for Indian students in Canada provided in this safety guide, international students can make the most of their study abroad experience in the country and create lasting memories. Remember, knowledge and preparedness are the keys to a safe and enjoyable stay in Canada. Your safety is your responsibility. We wish you the best!


We hope you had an insightful read about the safety tips for Indian students in Canada and got useful insights on whether Canada is safe for international students and the safety tips you can keep in mind. If you would like to get a deeper insight into how to study in Canada or apply to universities, we encourage you to have a word with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). Our counsellors will provide you with guidance throughout your study abroad journey. Get help with the application process, drafting SOPs and filing for a visa. Visit us and get one-to-one counselling or avail yourself of free video counselling via our website. We will be happy to help you, so please do not hesitate to contact us at or 1800-1230-00011. 


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