How to Write SOP for Canadian Universities?


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 24 November 2023 & Read Time 19 minutes



In the process of enrolling into Canadian universities, international students are required to provide some necessary documents. One such important document that students require to study in Canada is a Statement of Purpose (SOP).


SOPs contain the gist of a student's personal and professional details, which ultimately helps the admission community and visa officers assess whether you are the right candidate for that program. It plays a crucial role in getting an offer letter from the universities and student visas. Therefore, in this blog, let’s discuss how to write an SOP for Canada student visas and universities. 


What is an SOP (Statement of Purpose)?

A Statement of Purpose is a document typically submitted alongside a student's application for admission to universities or programs. It provides the applicant with an opportunity to introduce themselves, highlight their qualifications, and explain why they are a good fit for the educational opportunity. It often includes information about the applicant's academic background, achievements, and future goals.


Types of SOP for Canada

Here are the two types of SOPs that international students require while planning to study in Canada.


SOP for Canada Universities

The SOP for Canadian Universities focuses on your reasons for enrolling in your selected course and why you chose that specific university.


SOP for Canada Student Visa

The SOP for Canadian Student Visa focuses on why you chose Canada as your study destination. It is validated by immigration officials and visa officers.


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Tips to Write an SOP for Canada Student Visa and Universities

 Here are some tips you must follow while preparing your SOP for Canada study visa and universities. 

  • It is important to research the course for which you are applying. Understand the specific program and university requirements before writing. 

  • If possible, start with a quote or interesting fact related to your course or academic journey. 

  • Make sure your SOP is personalised and unique. Address the recipient by name, if possible and tailor your letter to each university. 

  • Keep it focused and concise, typically within limited pages. 

  • Try to highlight your achievements. Emphasise academic achievements, relevant experience, and extracurricular activities. 

  • Make sure to connect your SOP with the program you are applying to. Clearly explain why you are interested in the program and how it aligns with your goals. 

  • Express genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to study at the university. 

  • Follow Formal Structure: Use a formal structure with clear sections like introduction, education, experience, and conclusion. 

  • Ensure your letter is free of errors and typos. It's a reflection of your attention to detail. 

  • Use quantifiable metrics when possible to showcase your accomplishments. 

  • Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. 

  • End with a call to action, expressing your eagerness for further discussion or an interview. 

  • Keep your language grammatically correct, positive, and clear. 


Sample SOP for Canadian Universities

Here is the sample of visa SOP for Canada

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

-Albert Einstein

I am (student’s name) from (city’s name) of India. Being an enthusiastic learner, I want to further enrich my personal & career growth with a MEng Software Engineering degree from (Name of University to which you are applying), Canada. With this personal statement, I will offer you brief insights to help you better understand my candidature.


I had always been the inquisitive student in my class, particularly in the sciences, as I could find the answers to all of my questions about the outside world in those subjects. I’ve learned a lot over the years, and while my technical consciousness has changed, the best thing I feel this trip has given me so far is the ability to communicate clearly and analytically.


I have been a decent student throughout my academic journey. I completed 10th in (year of completion) from the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, with an overall (mention the CGPA). I chose the scientific stream for my intermediate course and passed with an overall score of (mention the CGPA). I never gave up any opportunity to try out new things and, in turn, been a very active student. I participated in extra-curricular activities and sports like sprinting, relays, and long jumping and received gold and bronze awards.


I was a cadet of the National Cadet Corps (NCC), which involved getting training at a 10-day training camp successfully ending with a certification. Following high school, I earned my undergraduate degree in Computer Science Engineering with a specialisation in Information Security, in association with (name of the university or college from where you have pursued).


During this, I familiarised myself with many different software and learned all their functionality. I also participated in several university events year-round, received hands-on experience with fundamental computer science principles, and won prizes in a number of activities, such as intra-university coding contests.


Apart from this, I gained some important experience while working on some projects. To do this, I worked on a number of team projects, such as (mention the projects if you have attempted), which used a user’s voice command to perform UNIX commands on a cloud server or other technical tasks, including the integration of other tools like Docker, Kubernetes, etc.


In (the month and year in which you started your internship), I began working at (name of the company in which you have worked) as a Software Engineer Intern. As an intern, I learned about major technologies like ServiceNow, Salesforce, AWS, etc. After completing my degree in (Month and year in which you have completed), Later, in (month and year), I switched to IBM as an Application Developer. During my time at the (ABC company), I performed well, backed up by rewards I received for my efforts, and also kept upgrading my skill set with in-demand tools & technologies.


All this made me grow as a person and as a professional. But my hunger for knowledge was not satiated. I wanted to study more in a more dynamic environment where growth and practical learning were strongly emphasised. For this, I believed studying abroad was an ideal option. So, I started researching countries and found Canada my best option. By additional research, I found (university’s name) Software Engineering program to be something I was on the lookout for.


The program will help me broaden my horizon and understanding of software engineering and many of its applications. My main reason behind choosing it is the curriculum offered by the university and the Experiential Learning opportunity. The program would enable me to design and create new software, modify and test existing ones, devise efficient algorithms, and implement techniques for computerised applications in a broad range of industries; with the continuous growth in the IT field, the demand for software engineers is rapidly growing.


These are some of the things I’m really looking forward to. It will also enhance my software and analytical knowledge and skills and help me learn to improve all the technical written material. I believe the program will give me an edge over other candidates when I enter my professional career again.


To support my application, I took my IELTS exam in November and scored a total band a score of (mention the score).


(ABC University) is one of the top choices in the world for an excellent education. After having a track record of many Indian international students studying there already and leading successful lives, I was sure this was the institute I wished to attend. Two things I look forward to most are getting to learn from the best in their field professors and being a part of the diverse and multicultural setting of the institution. I’m sure the university has many great things in store for me.


The university will also help me work and collaborate with many top organisations like Google, Dell Technologies, Microsoft, Amazon, Accenture, etc, as a software engineer. With this, I conclude my entrance application, hoping that I have clearly stated my justifications for pursuing the chosen degree. This statement proves viable and provides relevant information on my background and how this course would be an exquisite addition to boost my career and life’s growth. I’m motivated to show my value and contribute significantly to your prestigious educational institution if given a chance.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing a positive response from you.

(Name of the student)


Sample SOP for Canada Student Visa


The Visa Officer

The High Commission of Canada

New Delhi, India

Respected Madam/Sir,

Subject: Statement of Purpose to Bolster the Canadian Student Visa Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am (your name), a citizen of India and a holder of the Indian passport number (XXXX). With happiness, I’m writing this visa application personal statement to first inform you about my admission to the (Name of the University) to study Computer Science at the undergraduate level and second to offer you details on my personal and professional history. The chosen program is set to commence in January 2024 and is for four years, full-time.


With this statement, I will try to give details supporting my application along with all the supporting documents for you to check my candidacy for a Canadian student visa. I would also like to extend my gratitude towards you for reviewing my visa application and expect a positive response. It is of utmost importance for me to achieve my goals, and this study permit will greatly aid in that. I’m optimistic about you giving me a chance to pursue my aspirations. With this, let me head on to start my statement and offer details.'


Why Have I Chosen This Course, and Why is it Relevant to My Education?

My mother always instilled the importance of education in me. Regardless of her academic background, she ensured I paid attention to everything and excelled while pursuing my dreams. Due to this, my educational journey has been of learning, curiosity, and hunger for knowledge. Deep down, I want to make her proud, and I’m constantly working on doing so. I completed 10th grade with an XX CGPA from (Name of the school). After this, I wanted to dwell in the world of commerce with a strong focus on Informatics Practices. So, I took up Commerce - Informatics Practices as a major in 11th grade and completed my senior secondary education in (XXX) year from the (XXX School), under the Central Board of Secondary Education with an aggregate of XX%.


After completing high school education, undergraduate studies were next. Informatics Practices being my strong subject, and my interest in it led me to the decision to pursue something related to it. But I didn’t want to pursue it in India. I craved the global exposure and knowledge that came with studying abroad, and all this could only be possible if I chose a course abroad. So, I sat down with my parents and discussed my plans with them, and they supported me wholeheartedly. With this, I began my research, and while doing that, I came to the conclusion that Canada is an ideal option for me, keeping safety, tuition and living costs as important factors. When I found the Computer Science program at the (XXX University), I knew I had to apply to it. The program is exactly what I was on the lookout for.


My exposure to fundamental topics such as computer architecture, programming languages and techniques, algorithms and data structures, systems programming, networking, operating systems, knowledge-based and database systems, software engineering, and theory will be extensive, thanks to the Computer Science program. Along with developing the sophisticated practical computing and problem-solving abilities necessary for professional employment in a contemporary business, I’ll also do so by building on a solid conceptual basis and gaining an understanding of the nature of this quickly evolving subject. I will also be encouraged to approach problem-solving from a multidisciplinary perspective and trained to use advanced development technologies. The focus of the programme is on working directly with business. The program is extremely essential for me to gain important and excellent career opportunities.


While researching the program, I also found out that the university has a set requirement for the fulfilment of English language proficiency. To fulfil this, I diligently prepared for the IELTS exam and scored an overall band score of (XX). My individual scores are listed below for you to assess. I will also attach my IELTS scorecard with this application to support my claim.





Overall Band Score






Reasons for Choosing the XXX University

When I thought about studying abroad in Canada, my topmost priority was to get into one of the top institutions in the country, and the (XXX) University is one of them. The institute offers excellent undergraduate and postgraduate programs to international students and lets students explore sciences, environment, cultures, economics, health, etc., and this point stood out to me the most. It is one of the country’s research-intensive universities and is highly renowned for its academic standards. What attracted me the most was the smaller and more personalised setup class, which offers good attention to each and every student.


Also, the university’s location played a vital role in my fascination to study here. It is located in the spectacular and picturesque landscape of (XX state). The campus is also completely surrounded by forest, offering a closeness with nature while pursuing dreams. It offers a very welcoming., friendly, inclusive and supportive space to international students, which makes them feel at ease while being away from their homes. Not only all this, but the university also keeps the safety of its students as its top priority, which is of utmost importance to international students. I believe by studying at (XXX University), I could gain a truly global perspective by being around students from across the globe. I will get the opportunity to be a part of a multicultural community of students, broadening my horizons and learning. It is a tight-knit community of students, staff, and faculty, creating a supportive environment which will be of extreme help to me.


Why Canada and not India or Other Countries?

Indian education is well-known, and the nation is changing quickly and is diversified. Nonetheless, I am driven to continue my studies in Canada by the country’s amazing job prospects and exposure to the rest of the world. An atmosphere where I may freely pursue my goals and desires is made possible by Canada’s open policies and equal chances, which promote both professional and personal development.


Canada is known for having a distinctive educational system. A degree from a Canadian university has significant international worth and will advance my professional development. The Canadian educational system is unique in that it places a strong emphasis on practical knowledge, going beyond conventional education focused on books. This strategy will provide me with invaluable practical knowledge and abilities necessary for success in my field of choice.


Canada’s multicultural society, which welcomes people of many ethnicities, faiths, and cultures, offers a special chance for communication and education.  This encounter will extend my horizons and design aesthetic, allowing me to integrate a complex fusion of inspirations for my work.


Additionally, getting a computer science degree and studying in Canada, in my opinion, will help me stand out from the competition and provide me with a variety of professional opportunities with some of the largest organisations in India. I’m willing to invest in order to obtain exposure to a worldwide market and some industry experience. Canada is the ideal location for me to study as a result.


Moreover, Canada’s reputation as a global melting pot of languages, cuisines, and cultures will improve my personality and help me gain a better grasp of various lifestyles and design Philosophies.


By deciding to pursue my studies in Canada, I do not lessen my admiration for India. Instead, I see it as a chance to go outside my comfort zone and improve personally. My goal is to return with the knowledge and abilities necessary to contribute significantly. I will gain the knowledge and experience I need to succeed in my career while embracing a variety of viewpoints and experiences if I continue my education in Canada. I am very excited to start this educational journey in Canada.


My Family and Financial Qualifications

I belong to a nuclear family of (mention numbers), including myself. My father (name of your father) is a (mention occupation), and my mother (name of your mother) is a (mention the occupation). My parents are my supporting pillars in life, and all I want is to make them proud. They have always supported me financially and emotionally and will continue to do so.


As far as my studies in Canada at (name of the university) are concerned, my parents will fund my tuition and living costs. I have paid a yearly tuition fee of CAD XXX, as evidenced by the attached receipt. I have also paid the GIC amount of CAD 10,000, which will cover my living expenses for one year. My parents also have various movable and immovable assets, along with savings of CAD XX. To support my application, I have enclosed the necessary financial documents. Additionally, I will also work part-time, abiding by the rules and regulations of the Canadian student visa.


Future Plans and Prospects

India is my home country, and I hold great respect and love for it. So, upon completing my undergraduate studies, I am determined to return to India and stay close to my family. I share a very strong bond with my parents, especially my mother and wish to be reunited with them as soon as I complete my intended studies. My closely-knit relationship with my family incentivises me to return to India and build a career there.


Upon completing the degree, I will collaborate with esteemed organisations such as Amazon, Deloitte, Paytm, Google, etc., at various levels. The work that these organisations conduct will help me grow professionally and personally, and my degree will help me reach there. I wait to see the kind of transformation these organisations will help me go through while managing all the ups and downs. In the long term, I plan to start a business of my own, and my connections from the professional industry in India and Canada will play a great factor in it.


I kindly ask that you take into account every single point that was previously mentioned when evaluating my application, I have a strong desire to study in Canada and acquire a great deal of exposure to and experience with the global society in a range of fields.


I am excited to study in Canada and become part of the esteemed (Name of the University) community. If granted the opportunity, I will diligently fulfill all program requirements and strive for excellence. I acknowledge that I have met all visa requirements, including language proficiency, and I request your favourable consideration of my application for a study permit. With this statement, I optimistically look forward to studying abroad in Canada.


Thank you for taking the time to consider my visa application. I eagerly await a positive



(Your Name)




Crafting a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Canadian universities requires attention to detail and a genuine reflection of your aspirations. In conclusion, remember that your SOP is more than just a document; it's your voice on paper. Be sincere, showcase your uniqueness, and align your goals with the values of Canadian institutions. A well-crafted SOP not only opens doors to academic opportunities but also serves as a testament to your passion and readiness for the enriching journey ahead.


So, if you are also willing to study in Canada and make your SOP stand out, we encourage you to speak with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance regarding your application to study in Canada. Apart from this, our expert counsellors will also provide assistance in the visa process for your successful study abroad journey. Don't hesitate to contact us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.



Q: What is the purpose of a Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Canadian universities?

A: The SOP is a crucial component of your application, offering insight into your academic and personal journey, goals, and why you're a great fit for the program.


Q: How long should my SOP be for Canadian universities?

A: Generally, Canadian universities prefer concise SOPs, usually ranging from 500 to 1,000 words. Follow specific guidelines provided by each institution.


Q: What should I include in my SOP?

A: Discuss your academic background, relevant experiences, career aspirations, and why you've chosen that particular Canadian university. Emphasize your unique qualities.


Q: How do I tailor my SOP for different universities?

A: Customize each SOP by researching and incorporating elements unique to each university, such as faculty members, programs, or campus initiatives that align with your interests.


Q: Should I mention weaknesses or gaps in my academic history?

A: If there are significant gaps or weaknesses, address them briefly, focusing on the lessons learned and how you've overcome challenges.


Q: Is there a specific format for SOPs?

A: While there's no strict format, ensure clarity, coherence, and a logical flow. Start with an engaging introduction, followed by well-structured paragraphs, and conclude with a strong summary.

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