Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/her Home - IELTS Cue Card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 18 April 2024 & Read Time 8 minutes


The four components of the IELTS are writing, speaking, listening, and reading. You have two and a half hours total to finish it. There are fifteen minutes allotted for the speaking portion. To cover everything you want to in 11–14 minutes, you will need to practise a lot. Speaking is an art form that goes beyond simply displaying one's language. The cue card component of the IELTS speaking test allows you to express yourself and show off your language proficiency freely.


The blog’s objective is to help the readers speak on generic topics like “Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home”. So, let’s begin!


Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home cue card- sample answer 1


Whenever I think of a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/ her home, the first image that pops up in my head is of a person who is very generous, courteous, welcoming and helpful.


Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home - IELTS cue card


Who is this person?

One such person that instantly comes to my head is my Nani. From very early on, I have seen her nurture everyone, making sure that everyone is looked after, especially during the vacation when all the cousins gather together. 


How do you know them?

I have known my grandmother all my life. From a very early age, we visited her house during summer vacations and certain festivals. It was a kind of ritual to visit her during vacations and stay with her for a certain period of time.


How do they make you feel welcome?

My nani has a very warm personality. Over the years, I have seen her greet everyone with a big, genuine smile. She is always happy whenever she hears about guests coming to the house. She always makes an effort to make something special for everyone to make them comfortable, including food and much more.


Explain how you feel about this person.

I have an immense amount of respect and love for my nani. She has helped me understand the importance of being calm and welcoming, and she has set an example for everyone in the family for the future.



My nani’s ability to be welcoming has shaped my mind for future generations. It has now become my habit as well to welcome people with a big smile and courteousness.


Also, Read: Describe an Occasion When You Waited a Long Time for a Nice Thing - IELTS Cue Card


Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home cue card- sample answer 2


If I have to describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home, then I will definitely mention the people from Punjab, India. I had the privilege of meeting such a person with such a warm personality, and it instantly made me feel at home.


Who is this person?

One such person I met on my trip to Punjab was a very kind lady. Her name was Mrs Ahuja. She was my best friend’s aunt, and my friend suggested that I should stay at her place while I was in the city.


How do you know them?

I know Aunty through my friend; she is her maternal aunt and has lived in Punjab since birth. I met her at a common point decided by both of us and then went to her humble abode.


How do they make you feel welcome?

It was during wintertime, and winters in Punjab are severe; she ensured that I got a cup of tea when we entered the house. She also made Punjab delicacies for me and stuffed me with delicious food. At night, Aunty was so worried about me that she made several rounds checking up on me for blankets and if I was comfortable.


Explain how you feel about this person.

I was extremely touched by her gesture and understood the real meaning of saying that people in Punjab are the best at welcoming people. She did not have to put this much effort into making me feel at home, but her welcoming nature did not make me feel even once that I wasn’t at my own home.



In conclusion, her welcoming and warm personality made me feel at home even in a city I had never been to, which made me realise that you should be kind to everyone for a lasting impact.


Also, Read: Describe a Drawing/Painting that you Like - IELTS Cue Card


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Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home cue card- sample answer 3


If I had to describe one person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/ her home, I would definitely mention my best friend, Ananya. We tend to forget that friends are the people who always make you feel at home irrespective of place.


Who is this person?

Likewise, I met Ananya back in 2018 when I was in school. We instantly became friends due to our passion for and interest in commercial arts.


How do you know them?

Ananya and I started talking when we were paired up for our first Fine Arts project. We were asked to understand 3D dimensions and draw a fruit basket from two perspectives. Since then, we have bonded over art and various other things.


How do they make you feel welcome?

I felt the most at home the first time I visited her house for a night. She made sure that there were my favourite candies, ice cream, and movies to watch together. Not only did she arrange everything for me, but her family members also welcomed me like family.


Explain how you feel about this person.

I feel extremely at peace whenever I am around her. She constantly makes an effort for people around her, making her exceptional. She always tries to make people comfortable around her and tries to remember things, which makes a huge difference.



From Ananya, I have learned that making something comfortable in your home does not necessarily translate into the four walls of your home. It can also be about making people comfortable in your presence with your understanding and compassion.


Also, Read: Describe a Party That You Enjoyed - IELTS Cue Card


IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-Up Questions

Question- Is inviting people to stay home a good skill?

Answer- Yes, inviting people to stay home is a good skill as it helps us learn hospitality and strengthens relationships. It provides a chance to make memories with your guests and contributes to a sense of community.


Question- How do you think the person you described would react to unexpected or uninvited guests?

Answer- The person I described as warm and welcoming would be pleasantly surprised but would welcome unexpected guests with the same radiance and warmth. They would hurry to make all the arrangements and would try their best to make them feel at home.


Question- What role does food play in making guests feel welcome in someone’s home?

Answer- Food in Indian households is an icebreaker. Good food makes people feel at home and acts as a conversation starter. Serving good food gives the host a boost of confidence in hospitality.


Question- In your opinion, what qualities are most important for creating a welcoming atmosphere in a home?

Answer—In my opinion, the three most crucial elements of a welcome house are warmth, hospitality, and attentiveness. A gracious host or hostess should warmly greet visitors, provide refreshments, and strike up a discussion. Paying attention to their wants and preferences and ensuring they have all they need to feel at home can also help guests feel appreciated and at ease.


Question- How would you describe someone who is good with people?

Answer- The lively and outgoing person who always embraces the moments they spend with everyone is good with people.


Also, Read: Describe a Person Who Enjoys Cooking for Others - IELTS Cue Card



“Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home” provides a chance to reminisce about certain people in your life that make it better and what you can learn and take from. Particularly, this topic will help you connect to your roots and focus on good things that can be included in your life as well.


We hope you learned how to answer the “Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home cue card” type of questions in your IELTS speaking test. If you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you can contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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