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  • Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing - IELTS cue card

    Describe an Occasion When You Waited a Long Time for a Nice Thing - IELTS Cue Card


    Meridean Overseas

    Updated On 16 April 2024 & Read Time 7 minutes


    The IELTS speaking test has three sections where: part 1 is the introduction and interview, part 2 is the cue card/candidate task card, and lastly, part 3 is the deep discussion. It takes approximately 11 to 14 minutes to complete the test. The examiner evaluates on the basis of various band descriptors, such as fluency and coherence. In part 2, students have to choose a cue card and speak on the topic given in the cue card for 3 to 4 minutes.


    In this blog, we will provide you with specific samples on a common topic: “Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing.” The blog will also provide the much-asked follow-up questions after the sample answers. Without any further delay, let’s begin!


    Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing cue card- sample answer 1


    Life is unexpected, and waiting for a nice thing for a long time can be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. One such incident happened to me when I took a competitive exam for the Supreme Court Law Clerkship.


    Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing


    When did it happen?

    I appeared for the exam in March, and the employment had to start in July. I had to go through a whole selection process to get selected for that prestigious job. The job consisted of interacting directly with the Supreme Court judges and working for them on serious matters that could impact the country at large.


    How long have you waited?

    After appearing for the exam in March, I had to wait for the entirety of one and a half months for the results to be announced. After my selection for the written examination, I had to wait another month for the interview process and the final list.


    Why did you wait for a long time?

    I had to wait for a long time because the entire process required so much processing. Looking at the post, it is crucial for the law officers to make the right decision for themselves as well. The designation of a law clerk exposes the candidate to the Supreme Court judges directly, which carries a responsibility in itself.


    Explain how you felt about the experience.

    After a long wait, I was selected for the law clerk post, which gave me immense pleasure and made the waiting worthwhile. Although the anticipation of the unknown was surreal, it made me question every answer that I gave in the viva and the exam, but as the proverb goes, all’s well that ends well. 



    To conclude, this is one of the nicest things that happened to me, and in the meantime, I understood that patience is the key. During that waiting period, only patience and positive thoughts kept me going. While appearing for these kinds of competitive exams can be stressful and hectic, the waiting time with the right preparation also brings nice things. 


    Also, Read: Describe a difficult task that you completed at workstudy you felt proud of - IELTS cue card


    Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing cue card- sample answer 2


    As much as we like to plan things, life can be unexpected and make us wait for things we never thought of. Sometimes, the waiting is for a good thing, and sometimes, it can be for bad things as well. Moving ahead, I will discuss an incident that happened with a dear friend, which taught him and me some important life lessons.


    When did it happen?

    This happened in June when I received a phone call from a dear friend, Prakhar, who said that he had made a huge mistake and had lost a huge amount of money in fraud. I understood it was a difficult time for him, but other than positive words and affirmation, I was helpless.


    How long have you waited?

    After that, one thing was clear for him: he had to repay all the money that he had borrowed from people to clear his head of debt. The wait time was six months long, during which time he had to work day and night to repay every penny taken from his friends and colleagues.


    Why did you wait for a long time?

    The wait time was long because the debt was high. He could not wait for the money he would earn to repay the debt. It was the hardest six months, with lots of hardships and late nights.


    Explain how you felt about the experience.

    The experience taught him as well as me many things, including trusting only renowned sources and being patient in hard times, which brought fruitful solutions. It was very important for him to be consistent with his efforts, which was the key to clearing all the debt by himself.



    To conclude, waiting time taught him and me to be consistent with our efforts, be persistent, have faith in good times, be positive, and always work towards the right things.


    Also, Read: Describe a film you watched or Describe a film that impressed you a lot - IELTS cue card


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    IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-Up Questions

    Question- On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?

    Answer- Waiting is a subjective term that can refer to the smallest of things, like waiting to get your food order or waiting for a competitive exam you want to get selected for very badly. It is a subjective thing people do on a daily basis.


    Question- What do people do while waiting?

    Answer- The ways of waiting have changed over time. Earlier, people used to engage themselves with things surrounding them, but with the introduction of the internet, things have changed. With the use of the internet, people are always on their social media platforms and much more when having to wait for a long time.


    Question- Are most people patient while waiting?

    Answer- In general, people are patient if they are waiting for a short while, but they get impatient when things take longer than expected. For instance, there were just five people in front of me when I had to wait in line for over three hours to obtain my driver's license. The counter clerk informed us that the computers were down, but he did not say how long we would have to wait.


    Question- Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?

    Answer- Long waits are something I personally dislike since I think there are better things to do with your time. People become exhausted when they have to wait for extended periods of time, which makes it difficult for them to accomplish anything later on. Thus, it is a time waster in certain ways.


    Question- Do you think patience is important?

    Answer- Yes, it's crucial to have patience. Everything requires time, and things take time to accomplish. Waiting for things requires patience. When we lack patience, we often rush through tasks and ruin them, and there are certain things that should never be rushed.


    Also, Read: Describe a drawing/painting that you like - IELTS cue card



    “Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing cue card” can be a tricky topic, as we can get confused about how to present our thoughts while speaking about it. Although the topic can be tricky, it teaches us the importance of patience and how we can engage ourselves while having to wait for a long time.


    We hope you learned how to answer the “Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing” type of questions in your IELTS speaking test. If you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you can contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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