What is an Academic Transcript & How to Get It?


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 17 June 2024 & Read Time 12 minutes


Do you know that in 2024, around 1.5 million Indian students will be studying abroad? Academic transcripts serve as one of the most important documents in the application process for studying abroad. It is one of the most important documents you need to secure admission to universities abroad.




They serve as a comprehensive record of your academic achievements, reflecting the courses you've taken, grades received, and the overall progress you've made throughout your educational tenure.


Whether you're a student, a job seeker, or someone planning to pursue further studies, understanding the details of academic transcript and ways to obtain it is crucial. So, in this blog, we’ll discuss some important points and common queries relating to academic transcripts.

What is an Academic Transcript

An official academic transcript is a document issued by the educational institution where you studied. It provides a detailed overview of your academic performance.


An academic transcript records and summarises a student's academic performance and achievements.


It includes information such as the courses taken, subject studied, grades received, and sometimes additional details like GPA.


Official academic transcripts are commonly used for admission to further education, job applications, and other situations where a record of educational accomplishments is needed.


Other Names of Academic Transcripts

Academic transcripts are often referred to by various names depending on the region or context. Some alternative names for academic transcripts are:

  • Educational Records 

  • Student Records 

  • Transcripts of Records

  • Academic Records 

  • Record Achievement

  • Report Card 

  • Academic History

  • Cumulative Record 

  • Permanent Record

  • Diploma Supplement 


What is Consolidated Transcript?

A consolidated transcript is a single transcript that includes all of your program scores. It is a single page containing a collection of yearly or semester-specific scores. Once you graduate, you can get a Consolidated Transcript by completing an application on the university/college website.


What is Provisional Transcripts?

A provisional transcript is a temporary mark sheet that can benefit you while waiting for your final results. This form of the transcript includes an average aggregate of your degree calculated from your averages from each semester.


Though this version does not include a detailed breakdown of your subject-specific scores or CGPAs, it can be fairly useful in displaying your overall performance, including information about any backlogs you've had.


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Information Included in Academic Transcripts

The specific details included in academic transcripts may vary slightly depending on the educational institution and the level of education (e.g., high school, college, university). However, here are the common elements found in academic transcripts:

  • Student Information: This includes the student's full name, identification number, date of birth, and contact information.

  • Institution Details: The name, address, and contact information of the educational institution.

  • Degree and Program Information: Details about the degree or program pursued by the student, including the field of study and the major or specialisation.

  • Course List: A comprehensive list of all the courses taken by the student, typically organised by semester or academic year.

  • Grades: The grades or marks earned by the student in each course or subject.

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): A calculated average of the grades obtained in all courses.

  • Degree Conferred: If applicable, information about the degree awarded to the student, including the degree type (e.g., Bachelor's, Master's) and graduation date.

  • Honours and Awards: Any academic honours, awards, scholarships, or distinctions received by the student during their academic tenure.

  • Date of Enrollment: The date when the student first enrolled in the institution.

  • Date of Completion: The date when the student completed their studies or graduated.

  • Official Seal and Signatures: Many transcripts include an institution's official seal and the signatures of relevant authorities to verify the document's authenticity.

  • Key Information or Legend: An explanation of any symbols or codes used on the transcript, helping the reader understand the grading system and other notations.

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Why Academic Transcript is an Important Document for Study Abroad?

Academic transcripts are essential documents when applying to study abroad. They provide a detailed record of your educational achievements. This information helps foreign educational institutions evaluate your qualifications and determine your eligibility for admission in that particular course.


By reviewing your academic transcripts, institutions can assess whether you meet their entry requirements and whether your educational background aligns with the program you're applying for.


Apart from this, academic transcripts also help institutions understand students' prerequisite knowledge of the subject.


Moreover, many scholarships for international students are based on academic merit. Your transcripts provide concrete evidence of your academic performance, which can be a determining factor in receiving scholarships or financial aid.


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How to Get Academic Transcript?

Academic transcripts are made available by the educational institutes where you have previously attended classes and earned a degree. It comprises certificates from schools as well as undergraduate and graduate degree certifications.


Students can obtain their official academic transcript from the college or university after it has been published. However, every educational institute follows a different system for providing academic transcripts to its students.


You may request for academic transcript from the concerned department of your previous institution. Further, students who are still enrolled in classes can obtain a temporary or provisional academic transcript from the institution and send it to the university. However, to guarantee admittance, an official transcript must eventually be submitted.

How to Send Academic Transcripts to Universities?

There are various ways to submit your Academic Transcript Certificate to universities.

  • Download a digital copy of your academic transcript certificate and upload it during the online application procedure. 

  • Send a digital copy of the transcript to the admissions office via email. 

  • You can request that your university mail the Academic transcript certificate straight to your chosen institution via courier services. Make sure the envelope is sealed and has your institution's stamp.


The technique for sharing the Academic transcript certificate varies depending on which university you are applying to. Read the instructions carefully!


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Types of Transcripts You Require for Different Purposes

Here is the type of academic transcript you might require for different levels of courses:

  • If you are applying for a graduate-level program abroad, you might need an academic transcript of your undergraduate education.

  • Whereas, if you are applying for undergraduate-level courses, then you need a transcript of your Secondary School Education (12th grade) or diploma (if applicable).


Difference Between Academic Transcript and Marksheet

Academic transcripts provide a comprehensive record of a student's academic journey, comprising accumulated information about all the courses taken and grades received throughout the academic journey. On the other hand, mark sheets provide specific information about individual courses and performance in each year.


Both documents have their respective importance and are often required for different purposes, such as admission, employment, and further education.


Difference Between Academic Transcript and Diploma

Academic transcripts and diplomas are crucial documents that are significant when navigating the educational landscape. While they both pertain to a student's educational achievements, they serve distinct purposes.


As we have already discussed, academic transcripts are comprehensive records of students' academic performance throughout their educational tenure. On the contrary, a diploma is a formal document awarded to a student upon successfully completing a specific educational program, typically at the end of a degree or certification program.


Diplomas often include the student's name, the type of degree or certification earned (e.g., Bachelor's, Master's, Diploma), the field of study, and the date of conferral.


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Difference Between Academic Transcript and Degree

Unlike a transcript, a degree represents the successful completion of a specific academic program or course of study. It is often awarded by an educational institution upon fulfilling certain requirements, such as completing a set number of courses, maintaining a minimum GPA, and meeting any other specific criteria outlined by the institution.


A degree carries prestige and signifies attaining a particular level of education, such as an associate's, bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree.


Difference Between Academic Transcripts and Certificate

Academic certificates and transcripts are vital documents in securing admission to foreign universities. While academic transcripts show students' academic backgrounds, Certificates, on the other hand, show the successful completion of a specific educational program or course.


They signify that the recipient has fulfilled the requirements of that particular program and acquired the knowledge and skills associated with it. Certificates are typically granted for shorter, focused courses or workshops concentrating on specific subject areas or skill sets.


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Documents Required to Study Abroad Along With Academic Transcripts

Studying abroad often requires several documents, apart from the academic transcripts, to facilitate the application and admission process. Here are some common documents that may be required:


In conclusion, academic transcripts are a crucial representation of your educational journey. Whether you're moving forward in your studies, entering the job market, or pursuing other opportunities, clearly understanding how to obtain and utilise your academic transcript is essential.


If you want help with academic transcripts or want to study abroad, contact our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Don't hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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Question: When do students need a Transcript of Records?

Answer: In order to support their previous qualifications, candidates require academic transcripts when applying to a university abroad. This document must be submitted as proof of completion of your school, undergraduate, or post-graduate studies in order to establish your fitness for the program that you wish to pursue.


Question: What to do about the transcript if a student is still in their final year?

Answer: Applicants wanting to enrol in higher education in their final year of school will require additional documentation of their academic standing. They should send an interim/provisional transcript from their institution of study and a complete account of their current scores or grades. 


Question: Do Transcripts Vary Depending on the Course/Program?

Answer: The format and significance of the Academic transcript certificate are the same regardless of your chosen course or program. However, institutions only require an academic transcript certificate that is relevant to the program/course to which you are applying. 


Question: Is a transcript necessary for admission?

Answer: Yes. Transcripts are an important element of the admissions process and are frequently required for admittance. Transcripts provide admission officers with a solid idea of their academic talents and help them decide whether they are a good fit for the course/program they are applying to. Make sure your transcripts are legitimate, and apply early to avoid delays in the application process. 


Question: How long are transcripts valid?

Answer: Transcripts don't have an expiration date. Transcripts are documentation of your academic performance and are accurate and valid for a lifetime. However, depending on the circumstances of your application, it is recommended that you upload current and relevant transcripts. For example, if you're applying for a master's program, simply submitting high school transcripts is insufficient. For a master's course, you must submit transcripts from a relevant undergraduate degree and your high school transcript.


Question: Can marksheets be submitted instead of transcripts for studying abroad at universities?

Answer: Marksheets are informal and can be downloaded from the university's results portal. Applicants applying to universities overseas must produce a more formal document that has been stamped and properly recognised. As a result, marksheets cannot be used to replace transcripts for international admissions. 


Question: What do I do if I misplace my transcript?

Answer: A transcript is issued for the first time by an academic institution or its affiliated body. In some situations, these are difficult to re-issue. Thus, they should be kept securely. If you have lost your transcripts, you can contact the board of education directly. Students should contact the authorities, explain the loss of their transcript, and request a duplicate transcript.


Question: What is needed for study abroad admissions; transcripts or marksheets?

Answer: If students apply to foreign universities for admission, transcripts are usually required. Students who apply in their last year of study or whose final results have not yet been declared can submit their marksheets with a pledge to send their transcripts to the universities they are applying to as soon as they are available. Thus, while both are acceptable, each has its own significance. 


Question: Do Academic Transcripts include extracurricular activities?

Answer: No, Academic Transcripts typically only include a subject-specific list of your grades. Certain final-year projects may be included on transcripts if they were part of your program and you received grades. The transcript will not include any further information about your extracurricular activities. You can mention your accomplishments in this field on your resume or statement of purpose. 


Question: Do the transcripts include backlogs? 

Answer: Yes, the transcripts contain backlogs. Academic transcripts contain all of your scores, including backlogs. Many universities accept applicants with a history of backlogs. However, as this is not always the case, you should confirm with the university before applying. It may be more challenging to gain admission to a prestigious university with a history of backlogs, but if your profile is otherwise exceptional, you may still have a chance. Give it your best shot!

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