Top 5 Reasons to study in New Zealand


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 05 August 2022 & Read Time 6 minutes



International studies are getting more popular day by day. The reason is world recognized degrees from renowned universities in New Zealand are gaining massive popularity in overseas education. Universities in New Zealand have exceptional English language courses that attract a huge number of international students. If we have to describe New Zealand's education system in words, it would undoubtedly be; SPLENDID. After the border restrictions, the country has again started welcoming international students and is open to giving post-study work visas too.

There are many reasons that can justify your decision to study in New Zealand. Some of them are:

Research-based institutions

When we hear about research-based institutions, we all think of studying in UK or USA. But, New Zealand is not at all behind in terms of research-based institutions. The teaching system of New Zealand is unique and promotes systematic and organized teaching. No matter what course you choose, theoretical or practical, you will be taught by practical, real-world approaches. For better understanding, students in New Zealand are encouraged to work in a team and individually. This thing certainly helps students in preparing for placements in renowned firms.

The country has invested an enormous amount in improving its education system. This has paid off really well for New Zealand; currently, it has various universities in QS world's top 100. The research-based institutions of New Zealand are well supported by experienced faculty. Institutes of New Zealand are well-equipped with the latest technologies that aid in innovative studies. If you're planning to do research-based studies in healthcare, agriculture, science, etc., then New Zealand universities are undoubtedly the best choice for you.


International studies are indeed expensive, but not really when you choose to study in New Zealand . The education system of New Zealand is highly influenced by the British education system. But this doesn't mean you also have to pay high fees like British institutions in New Zealand. Average fees for bachelor's in universities of New Zealand for international students ranges from NZ$15,000 to NZ$25,000; for masters, it is NZ$26,000-NZ$33,000. Compared to other countries, this can leave you with little extra money in your pocket to spend. Apart from low tuition fees for international students, New Zealand also offers a variety of scholarships. Different universities in Newland have different policies for applying for scholarships under financial aid. You can quickly check these out on the official websites of the university you choose to study in. Apart from universities, several scholarships are available for international students funded by the government of New Zealand and various other country organizations. The cost of living in New Zealand highly depends on where you reside. In big cities, it can cost you up to NZ$1700/month, whereas in other areas, it can cost you up to NZ$1200/month.


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Safe and peaceful environment

Every student wants to study at a place that is safe for them. They do not get subjected to discrimination and bullying there. New Zealand is known for having the lowest crime rate in the past decade, and its policies for international students are also quite helpful. Due to its safe and peaceful environment, the population of international students has significantly grown in New Zealand in the past decade. The country warmly welcomes international students from different cultures, as its citizens are of mixed cultures. New Zealand's population comprises Maori, Asians, Pakeha (people from European areas) and the Pacific population. Studying in New Zealand will not make you uncomfortable or make you feel left out in any way. New Zealand is doing exceptionally well in national ranking in all aspects, whether it is healthcare, education, quality of life, or economic freedom. An international student would also want to explore new places apart from indulging only in studies. New Zealand is one of the best places to explore in early adulthood. In your semester breaks, you can move easily around the country and sense the beauty of New Zealand tourist destinations.

Part-time work opportunities

New Zealand grants the allowance of working part-time for international students for up to 20 hours per week. This has to be done in the term time. If you go for PhD or master's in New Zealand, you can certainly work full time in term time too. Many countries do not allow part-time work on student visas, but while studying in New Zealand universities, you can surely work part-time and fund yourself a little more. Apart from doing part-time jobs during your course, New Zealand allows you to stay back in the country for another year after the completion of your course to work full time. This can help you gain work experience with international firms that can further aid you in grabbing high-paying jobs. If you opt to work in the same sector of your degree, then the New Zealand government will willingly permit you to work for more than a year. After this, you can apply for Permanent Residence too.

Easy application process

New Zealand's education system is based on the British education system, but this does not mean it has a hectic and time-consuming international student application process. New Zealand has poured a lot of resources into enhancing its education system. If you plan to study in NZ, then you do not have to fight a lot of competition to get into your dream university. Currently, New Zealand universities have more seats than the actual number of students. Even if you have average scores in your secondary education, it won't create problems in your application process. International students need to have respectable IELTS or TOEFL scores to get into New Zealand's universities. New Zealand needs to be assured that you can easily converse in their native language, so you do not suffer after going there. Apart from this, you need to have an acceptance letter from a university approved by the ministry of education.


For further information on the admission process in New Zealand, New Zealand student visa contact Meridean Overseas Education consultants. You can call us at 1800-1230-00011 or mail us your applications at

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