Study TESOL in UK to become a Certified English teacher


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 02 May 2023 & Read Time 5 minutes


Have you ever dreamt of a career that allows you to travel to exotic locations around the world, while also making a positive impact in people's lives? If yes, then becoming a certified English teacher with a TESOL certification might be the perfect career path for you. TESOL, short for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, is a certification that enables individuals to teach English to non-native speakers. Pursuing a TESOL certification in the UK is an exciting opportunity for anyone who desires to become a certified English teacher and explore the world.


What is TESOL?

TESOL is a certification that enables individuals to teach English to non-native speakers. TESOL certification programs focus on teaching English language skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They also include instruction on the theory and practice of teaching English as a foreign language. TESOL certification is widely recognized and respected throughout the world, making it a valuable credential for those who want to teach English abroad.


Career Options

One of the most significant advantages of obtaining a TESOL certification is the wide range of career options available. Certified English teachers can teach in a variety of settings, including private language schools, public schools, universities, and corporate language training programs. In addition, many countries offer programs that allow certified English teachers to teach English in exchange for room and board.


Teaching English abroad is an excellent way to immerse oneself in another culture and gain valuable life experience. Not only can you make a difference in the lives of your students, but you can also learn about different cultures and languages. Many certified English teachers find that teaching English abroad is a life-changing experience that leads to personal growth and development.


Useful to Travel and Teach in Different Countries

Obtaining a TESOL certification in the UK is an excellent way to prepare for teaching English abroad. The UK has a long history of teaching English as a foreign language and is home to some of the world's most respected TESOL certification programs. Studying TESOL in the UK will provide you with a solid foundation in English language teaching theory and practice.


In addition, studying TESOL in the UK will enable you to experience British culture firsthand. The UK is a diverse and multicultural country that has much to offer students from all over the world. Studying TESOL in the UK will allow you to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds and gain a unique perspective on the world.


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A Story

Meet Dipti, a 25-year-old recent college graduate who decided to pursue a TESOL certification in the UK. Dipti had always been passionate about language and culture and knew that she wanted to pursue a career that would allow her to travel and make a positive impact. After researching different options, she decided that becoming a certified English teacher was the perfect choice for her.


Dipti enrolled in a TESOL certification program in London and quickly fell in love with the city. She enjoyed exploring different neighborhoods and trying new foods. She also appreciated the diversity of the city and the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Her TESOL certification program was challenging but rewarding. She learned about different teaching methodologies and had the opportunity to practice teaching English to non-native speakers.


After completing her TESOL certification program, Dipti decided to teach English in Thailand. She was excited about the opportunity to immerse herself in a new culture and explore Southeast Asia. She was also nervous about the prospect of teaching English to non-native speakers for the first time. However, she felt well-prepared thanks to her TESOL certification program.


Dipti quickly adapted to life in Thailand and enjoyed teaching English to her students. She appreciated their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. She also enjoyed learning about Thai culture and trying new foods. Teaching English in Thailand was a life-changing experience for Dipti, and she knew that she wanted to continue teaching English abroad.


Dipti went on to teach English in several different countries, including South Korea, Brazil, and Spain. Each country presented unique challenges and opportunities, but Dipti felt confident in her ability to adapt thanks to her TESOL certification. She made lasting connections with her students and fellow teachers and gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures.


Looking back on her journey, Dipti is grateful for her decision to pursue a TESOL certification in the UK. It provided her with the skills and knowledge necessary to teach English to non-native speakers and opened up a world of opportunities. Dipti encourages anyone who is passionate about language and culture and wants to make a positive impact to consider becoming a certified English teacher with a TESOL certification.


We hope we were able to provide you with helpful insight on the reasons to study TESOL in UK. If you need any further guidance, feel free to contact our expert counsellors at any nearby branch of Meridean Overseas Education Consultants(MOEC). Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best guidance and help throughout your application and visa process.  You can also get help with writing your SOP and get on a one-to-one free video counselling session online via our platform. Contact us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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