Exploring the Impact of Italy's English Ban on Indian Students


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 03 May 2023 & Read Time 5 minutes



There has been a lot of buzz in the media recently about a controversial decision taken by the Italian government. According to reports, English has been banned in Italy, a country that is known for its rich history, art, and culture. This English ban in Italy has left many Indian students who were planning to study in Italy confused and concerned. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the decision, why it was taken, and what it means for Indian students who wish to study in Italy.


Firstly, it is important to note that the decision to ban English in Italy is not entirely accurate. The Italian government has not banned English as a language, but it has put restrictions on the use of English in certain settings. The new law aims to promote the Italian language and culture by ensuring that the language is used in official settings such as government offices, public schools, and universities. This means that all official documents, websites, and communication must be in Italian. Additionally, all teaching in public schools, colleges, and universities must be conducted in Italian.


The decision was taken to promote the use of the Italian language and culture, which has been declining in recent years. According to a report by the Italian National Institute for Statistics (ISTAT), the number of Italians who speak English has increased significantly in recent years, while the number of Italians who speak Italian has declined. The report also revealed that the use of Italian has declined significantly in the workplace, with many Italian companies opting to use English as the language of communication. This has had a negative impact on the Italian language and culture, which the government is now trying to rectify with the new law.


So, what does this mean for Indian students who wish to study in Italy? Firstly, it is important to note that the ban on English does not apply to private institutions. Private universities and colleges are free to use any language they choose, including English. However, public universities, which are the most popular choice for international students, must now conduct all teaching in Italian. This means that Indian students who wish to study in Italy will have to learn the Italian language before they can attend a public university. This may be a difficult challenge for many students, especially those who are not familiar with the language and culture.


Another challenge that Indian students may face is the lack of resources available for learning Italian. While there are many language schools in India that offer Italian language courses, the number of students who study Italian is relatively low compared to other languages such as French and German. This means that there may be a limited number of resources available for Indian students who wish to learn Italian. Additionally, learning a new language can be expensive, which may put a financial burden on students who wish to study in Italy.


However, there are also some positives to the new law. Firstly, Indian students who learn Italian will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich culture and history of Italy. Italy is home to some of the most beautiful and historic cities in the world, including Rome, Florence, and Venice. Learning the Italian language will allow Indian students to fully experience all that Italy has to offer, from its art and architecture to its cuisine and fashion.


Furthermore, learning a new language is always a valuable experience, and it can be a great addition to a student's resume. Employers are always looking for candidates who have a range of skills and experiences, and being fluent in Italian can give students a competitive edge in the job market. Additionally, studying in Italy will give Indian students the opportunity to make new friends and connections from all over the world, which can be valuable for networking and building relationships in the future.


In conclusion, while the decision to ban English in Italy may pose some challenges for Indian students who wish to study there, it is important to note that the ban is not absolute and only applies to certain settings. It is also worth noting that the Italian government has taken steps to promote the learning of Italian, with the introduction of new grants and scholarships for international students who wish to study in Italy.


For Indian students who are considering studying in Italy, it is important to research and understand the language requirements for their chosen universities. It may also be beneficial to learn some basic Italian before starting their studies, to help with the transition to a new culture and environment. There are a variety of language schools and resources available online for students who wish to learn Italian, and it may be worth considering taking a language course before applying to a university in Italy.


Overall, while the decision to ban English in Italy may seem daunting at first, it is important to view it as an opportunity to learn a new language and immerse oneself in a new culture. With some dedication and hard work, Indian students can still pursue their dream of studying in Italy, and gain valuable skills and experiences that will benefit them in their future careers.


We hope we were able to provide you with helpful insight why you should not be alarmed with this recent update in Italy. If you need any further guidance, feel free to contact our expert counsellors at any nearby branch of Meridean Overseas Education Consultants(MOEC). Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best guidance and help throughout your application and visa process.  You can also get help with writing your SOP and get on a one-to-one free video counselling session online via our platform. Contact us at application02@merdean.org or call us at 1800-1230-00011.

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