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When do applications open for spring 2023?

Students who wish to apply for the Spring semester should submit their applications by September/October of the preceding year, i.e., to be enrolled in the Spring of 2023, candidates must submit their applications by October of the previous year.

Can language be a barrier to study in the USA?

If you are willing to study in USA, English is mandatory. Students can give IELTS or TOEFL or Duolingo or PTE exams, there are also few universities who can consider you application on the basis of MOI (medium of instruction) stating that your previous education was done in English language.

How should a student select suitable Universities for him/her?

The student must select universities on the basis of their profile (academic percentage and job experience) and should also keep the budget in mind. Student should also see the location of the university, if they can easily get a job there or not.

Is business analytics a stem major?

Business Analytics is usually part of a university's School of Business. As a result, it's a business career. However, because math and technology make up a large part of the curriculum, it is also considered a STEM field. The majority of colleges throughout the world have acknowledged MSBA as a STEM programme.

What are the benefits of Pursuing STEM Courses from USA?

USA offer up to 3 years stay back for STEM graduated and upto 1 year for Non STEM graduates. STEM education adds value to itself by using its own teaching technique, and STEM graduates have unique advantages in the labour market. STEM graduates enjoy various other benefits of pursuing education on an international level, in addition to being more employable than non-STEM graduates. When compared to other graduates, they are more likely to receive a higher pay, better positions, better immigration opportunities, and a variety of other perks. These advantages have a two-fold effect on every element of a professional's life.

Why USA is best for study?

The United States of America (USA) is home to the world's largest number of international students. Many Indian students choose to study in the United States for a variety of reasons, including quality education, a distinct curriculum, a multicultural atmosphere, and numerous chances.

What is the minimum percentage required for study in USA for masters?

My degree is 47% with 10 year work experience, can I go for masters in usa please reply

Sunita Khatri
Which are the Most Affordable Cities for Studying in the US?

1. San Diego
2. Pittsburgh
3. Atlanta
4. Dallas
5. Houston
6. Chicago
7. Boston
8. Philadelphia


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