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Which are the other major university groups in the UK? : Welcome to Meridean Overseas

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Which are the other major university groups in the UK?



Red Brick Universities

  1. Ancient universities were established post to World War I and with the onset of the industrial revolution.
  2. Group of 06 universities—University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, University of Leeds, University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, and the University of Sheffield.

University Alliance

  1. 12 – member group of universities which are predominantly professional and technical universities.
  2. Birmingham City University (BMU), Coventry University, etc. are members of this university group.

Million Plus

  1. Group of 23 universities who promote the role of ‘modern universities’ to support quality university systems to contribute to the needs of international business.
  2. University of East London (UEL), University of West London (UWL), University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), Middlesex University, etc. are part of this group.


Guild HE

  1. Is a collaboration between universities, schools, and colleges that are advocates of smaller specialist universities.
  2. Specializations include art, design, teaching, technology, etc. along with other subjects.
  3. They are a very proactive group in government and higher education issues.
  4. The University of Worcester, University of Creative Arts, etc. are members of this group.

N8 Research Partnership

  1. Collaboration of 08 research universities located in the north of England.
  2. The University of York, University of New Castle, etc. are members of this group.

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