If student having IELTS score of 6 each and having 52% marks in (B.Com) graduation, Is his admission possible in edgbaston, birmingham, UK or not? If not in this university then which university or college near coventry can be illegible for? : Welcome to Meridean Overseas
If student having IELTS score of 6 each and having 52% marks in (B.Com) graduation, Is his admission possible in edgbaston, birmingham, UK or not? If not in this university then which university or college near coventry can be illegible for?
Yes, you can do that we have universities in London and Birmingham which will allow you to take admission in masters course. if you are looking for sure shot admission with pocket friendly fees then apply for sep 2023 intake we have 10 days left for new application. Mail your profile us at application02@meridean.org or call toll-free 1800-1230-00011.