
UK TOP 5 COURSES | Job Scope and Salary after Study In UK | Student | Post Study Work Visa

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If you are planning to study in UK and are looking for top courses, then this video is for you.

Today, we will discuss job scope and salary after studying in the UK. One of the most important things to consider when choosing what to study is whether it will help you find a job. How quickly can you get a job after finishing your studies?

Because when you're deciding on a course, you'll have some time to gain work experience, which can be valuable. So, which courses can help you get a full-time job within 6-11 months and possibly lead to permanent settlement in the UK? Let's get started. Please stay with us until the end of this video.


5: Veterinary Science

If you've completed your 12th grade with Biology or have a BSc in Veterinary Science, this could be the perfect course for you. The employability rate in Veterinary Science ranges from 70% to 90%. You could land a job within the first 6 months after completing this course. If you've completed your Bachelor's degree in the UK, your job prospects are even better. You might find a job in the NHS or the field of veterinary science. The good news is that the salary in this field is quite attractive. You can also explore the Tier 1 sponsor Visa option.


4. Medical Science-Related Subjects

If you've completed your 12th grade with Biology, you can pursue courses like Anatomy, Human Nutrition, and Health Science. These courses offer a high employability rate of 90%. By doing these courses, you can find a job within 6 months after graduation. You can also consider Tier 1 visas, where you might meet the basic earnings threshold of £34,000. Courses related to Medical Science have significant advantages. You can explore specialised courses with lower entry requirements, making your academic journey more manageable compared to the demanding exams and memorisation required in India.


3. Architecture, Designing, and Interior Designing

These fields are in high demand in the UK, even more than medical courses. The employment rate in this sector ranges from 82% to 95%. However, there's a catch: to secure admission, you must create and submit a portfolio, especially when aiming for prestigious institutions. The UK is a leader in architectural innovation, offering abundant job opportunities. Nevertheless, these courses can be academically challenging due to practical components, making them lucrative choices for those looking to secure well-paying jobs and potentially settle permanently in the UK.


2: Dual Degrees

In the UK, you have the advantage of pursuing dual degrees. Combining your Master's in Business Administration (MBA) with fields like Finance, Marketing, or Accounting can significantly boost your career prospects. Some universities offer budget-friendly MBA options, often including internships. A dual degree diversifies your skills and makes you more competitive in the job market. You can even blend business with International Relations to expand your horizons, increasing your chances of finding a fulfilling job.


1: Education

Completing a course in education guarantees a job with 100% certainty, and it can be done within 6 months. Education is currently the most in-demand job in the UK. Whether you want to be a teacher, a Bachelor's or Master's in Education is the key. What makes this field unique is that from the day you enroll, you'll know you want to be a teacher. You can even engage in part-time work for 20 hours a week, offering lucrative opportunities for home tutoring, which is highly sought after in the UK. You can also start teaching in primary schools after completing your three-year degree and progress to your Master's. Teachers are in high demand in the UK, surpassing medical and architectural professions. By choosing a Bachelors or Masters in Education, you can secure a bright future with numerous employment opportunities.


If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help you make the most of your future. Stay informed and make informed decisions with Meridean Overseas. For more updates and information on studying in the UK, stay tuned to our website. Thank you for watching, and see you in the next video!

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