Dentistry and Medicine Courses in Germany



In Germany, dentistry and medicine courses are renowned for their high-quality education and rigorous training. Both programs typically span six years and are offered at top universities. Dentistry focuses on oral health and dental care, while medicine covers a broad range of medical disciplines. Students gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience through clinical rotations. Graduates are well-prepared to become competent healthcare professionals, contributing to the nation's healthcare system.

Why Study Dentistry and Medicine Courses in Germany?

Studying dentistry and medicine in Germany offers numerous advantages that make it a compelling choice for international students. German universities are renowned for their excellent education and cutting-edge research facilities.

The programs are taught in English or German, providing opportunities to learn a new language. Students benefit from exposure to diverse patient populations and medical cases, enhancing their clinical skills.

Germany's robust healthcare system and ample job opportunities for graduates make it an attractive destination. Lastly, the country's rich history and culture offer a unique and enriching experience for students during their academic journey.

Dentistry and Medicine Courses in Germany

In Germany, the degrees available for dentistry and medicine courses are as follows:


  • Bachelor's Degree : Bachelor of Dental Medicine (B.Dent.Med.): A first professional degree that typically takes six years to complete.

  • Master's Degree : Currently, there is no specific master's degree in dentistry in Germany. After completing the Bachelor of Dental Medicine, students can pursue specialisation through further training and residency programs.

  • PhD Degree : Doctor of Dental Medicine (Dr. med. dent.): A doctoral degree that involves original research and typically takes around three to five years to complete.


  • Bachelor's Degree : Bachelor of Medicine (B.Med.): The first degree in medicine, which takes around six years to complete. It is followed by further specialisation.

  • Master's Degree : Master of Science (M.Sc.) in medical disciplines: Some universities offer master's programs in various medical specialities, such as Medical Biotechnology, Medical Physics, Medical Informatics, etc.

  • PhD Degree : Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.): A doctoral degree that involves original research in medicine and typically takes around three to five years to complete.

Top Universities for Dentistry and Medicine Courses in Germany

University Name Place QS Global University Ranking 2024
University of Duisburg-Essen Duisburg, Germany #205
University of Greifswald Greifswald, Germany #351
RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany #106
Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany #302
Steinbeis University Berlin Berlin, Germany #98
University of Marburg Marburg, Germany #761
Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen, Germany #396
Dresden International University Dresden, Germany #246

Cost of Studying for Dentistry and Medicine Courses in Germany

Studying dentistry and medicine in Germany offers a cost-effective option for both domestic and international students. Compared to many other countries, Germany's higher education system is known for its affordability and high-quality education.

While public universities offer tuition-free education, there are nominal semester fees (around €150-€350) to cover administrative costs and access to certain services. Additionally, students may need to budget for living expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and healthcare.

On average, monthly living costs range from €800 to €1,200.

Cost of Living in Germany

  • Housing Costs : Germany boasts a well-developed rental market that offers affordable options for both urban and rural dwellers. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a city centre is around €800 to €1,200, depending on the city. In comparison to other European countries, such as the United Kingdom or Switzerland, where rents can be significantly higher, Germany presents a budget-friendly alternative for those seeking accommodation without compromising on quality.

  • Utilities and Internet : The cost of utilities in Germany is generally reasonable. On average, monthly expenses for basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water) for an 85m² apartment are approximately €180. Furthermore, Germany boasts excellent internet infrastructure, with affordable high-speed internet plans starting from as low as €30 per month.

  • Transportation : Germany's efficient public transportation system makes it an economical country to get around. Monthly transportation passes for local buses, trams, and subways are typically priced around €80 to €100, depending on the city. Additionally, Germany's well-maintained and extensive railway network offers cost-effective options for domestic and international travel.

  • Food and Groceries : The cost of food and groceries in Germany is quite reasonable. Supermarkets offer a wide variety of products at affordable prices. A weekly grocery bill for a single person can amount to around €50 to €70, depending on their dietary preferences and shopping habits. Additionally, dining out can also be cost-effective, with many restaurants providing lunch menus at lower prices during weekdays.

  • Healthcare : Germany's healthcare system is renowned for its high-quality care and accessibility, and it is also cost-effective for residents. All residents are required to have health insurance, and contributions are based on income. For employees, the costs are typically shared between the employer and the employee. For students and low-income individuals, the government provides subsidies to make healthcare affordable for everyone.

  • Education : Germany is home to several prestigious universities and offers free or low-cost education for both local and international students. Public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees, making it an attractive destination for those seeking affordable and high-quality education.

Scholarships for Dentistry and Medicine Courses in Germany

Germany offers several scholarships and funding options for international students pursuing Dentistry and Medicine courses. Here are some of the notable scholarship programs:

  • DAAD Scholarships : The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides various scholarships for international students, including those studying Dentistry and Medicine. The DAAD offers scholarships such as the "Development-Related Postgraduate Courses" (EPOS) for students from developing countries and the "Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates" for all disciplines, including Medicine and Dentistry.

  • Deutschlandstipendium : This scholarship program is offered by the German government and private sponsors to high-achieving domestic and international students. It provides financial support of €300 per month and is not based on financial need. Many universities in Germany participate in this program, and it is available for students studying Dentistry and Medicine.

  • Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships : This foundation offers scholarships for international students pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in Dentistry or Medicine. The scholarships focus on academic excellence, social engagement, and commitment to green and sustainable issues.

  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships : KAS provides scholarships for international students from developing countries who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in Germany, including Dentistry and Medicine. The foundation supports students who have demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to social and political engagement.

  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarships : This foundation offers scholarships for talented international students studying Medicine and Dentistry in Germany. The scholarships support students who actively engage in societal and political issues and demonstrate a strong academic background.

  • EPOS Scholarships : In addition to the DAAD EPOS scholarships mentioned earlier, many universities and institutions in Germany offer their own EPOS scholarships specifically for international students studying medical-related fields.

  • ERASMUS+ Program : If your home university has a partnership with a German university under the ERASMUS+ program, you may be eligible for exchange scholarships, which can provide financial support during your study abroad experience in Germany.

Jobs after Dentistry and Medicine Course in Germany

After completing Dentistry and Medicine courses in Germany, graduates have excellent job prospects and can pursue various career paths. Here are some common job options along with approximate salary ranges :

  • Dentist (Zahnarzt) / Medical Doctor (Arzt) : Dentists and medical doctors can work in private practices or hospitals. Starting salaries for dentists and medical doctors in Germany can range from €45,000 to €60,000 per year.

  • Hospital Dentist / Hospital Doctor : Dentists and medical doctors can work as employees in hospitals or medical centres.Salaries for hospital dentists and doctors may be slightly lower than in private practices but can still range from €45,000 to €80,000 per year, depending on experience and specialisation.

  • Research and Academia : Graduates can pursue careers in research or academic institutions, conducting scientific studies and teaching.
    Salaries in research and academia can vary widely based on the specific role and level of experience. Starting salaries may be around €40,000 to €50,000 per year, and senior researchers or professors may earn €70,000 to €100,000 or more annually.

  • Public Health : Graduates can work in public health organisations, focusing on preventive healthcare, health promotion, and community-based programs.
    Salaries in public health roles can range from €40,000 to €70,000 per year, depending on the level of responsibility and experience.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry : Dentists and medical doctors can work in the pharmaceutical industry in roles such as medical advisors, clinical researchers, or drug safety specialists.
    Salaries in the pharmaceutical industry can vary significantly based on the position and the size of the company. Entry-level positions may offer salaries of around €40,000 to €60,000 per year, while experienced professionals can earn €70,000 or more.


Academic Requirements: Check the specific entry requirements for Dentistry and Medicine programs at German universities. You'll typically need a high school diploma or equivalent, and additional requirements may vary depending on the university.

Enrolment and Orientation: Once you have your visa and admission letter, you can enrol at the university and attend orientation programs to familiarise yourself with the campus and facilities.

Language and Integration Courses: If you don't speak fluent German, consider taking language and integration courses to enhance your language skills and adapt to German culture.

If you are unsure or would like to get deeper insight, we encourage you to speak with our team of expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC).

If you are unable to travel to our offices, we offer online counselling services via our website. Our dedicated counsellors will provide you with the best guidance regarding your application to study in Germany. Don’t hesitate to contact us at or call us at 1800-1230-00011.


The duration of Dentistry and Medicine programs in Germany may vary. Dentistry usually takes around 5 years, while Medicine can take 6 years or longer, including practical training.

If you are accepted, you'll need to apply for a student visa and a residence permit to study in Germany. Make sure to fulfil the visa requirements and provide all necessary documents.

Keep in mind that both Dentistry and Medicine programs have a limited number of spots (Numerus Clausus) and are highly competitive. Your chances of admission will depend on your grades and other relevant qualifications.

Ensure you meet the language requirements. Most courses are taught in German, so you'll need to demonstrate proficiency by providing language test scores like TestDaF or DSH.

Dentists and medical doctors can work in private practices or hospitals.

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