Invite Talent Pool
Through Meridean

Become a partnered university with Meridean and welcome great talents every intake. We can help you recruit students from different nations in huge numbers. Become a prestigious partnered university of Meridean Overseas and get a chance to be recognized by students across different nations. We are currently working with numerous universities from top countries like the UK, USA, Canada, Italy and Europe. Market yourself with minimal effort; join us today!


Let's Discuss Business

Why Choose MOEC?

Rich Database

We have been in this industry for a long time now, and we have made a good grip over clients. Meridean Overseas has a team of counsellors that works relentlessly to contact leads and tell them the benefits of studying abroad. You do not have to worry about finding leads and telling them why to study at university; we are here to do that work for you.

Result-Driven Partnership

Becoming a partnered university with Meridean Overseas will only make you more famous among a number of students. Various top universities work with us because of the consistent results that we give them. We assure you of guaranteed results. Getting you a decent number of admission in every intake is our sole responsibility.

Authorized Students

We only make applications for students who are genuine and have original documents. Partner with Meridean Overseas and save yourself from fraud and scammed students. We have counselled more than 85000 students and admitted them into prestigious overseas universities. Get genuine student applications with verified documents.

Advantages our Partnered University Gets

  • Find the best talent globally through our vast student network
  • Expand your reach through our highly engaged platforms
  • Sophisticated technology to stay ahead in the industry
  • Veteran leadership and expert team to work with
  • Collaborate and host outreach events globally

We Value Your Business

Build Trust

Partnering with us will help you build trust in students' heads. We are here to brief students about your university's core benefits and testimonials to persuade them to study. Be the first choice of students when they plan to study abroad.

Shared Goals

We both have the same goal, to recruit students. Working together will make it easier to achieve goals in a very short time. We try our best to get a student with authorised documents in your university and reach their goals.

Business Credibility

Partnering with the right business brings great success and enhances the business's credibility. Stronger partnerships help in providing better services. Partnering with renowned universities increases the credibility of both firms readily.

New Ideas

We are here to pitch you to prospective clients and students. It helps in identifying what students are seeking while exploring study abroad options. This eventually improves marketing tactics, as universities get strategize marketing moves according to needs.

Easy Recruitment

We make an application for genuine and deserving students, which makes it easier for universities to accept them. It will remove the need for rechecking their background and verifying documents. Get on board with us and save time.


Our Vision

Meridean Overseas has touched heights in a short span of time through its profound vision. We aim to empower students through international exposure and quality education. We strive to give students the best possible services to study in top universities of world. In our journey, we have partnered with various prestigious and have made lifetime relations with them.

  • Making foreign education affordable and accessible
  • Make it easy for students to reach prestigious universities
  • Shared values and commitment with partnered universities
  • Personalised guidance and support to every student

Contact MOEC Experts for Study Abroad Guidance!


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