Law Courses in Poland



Law courses in Poland offer comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary for excelling in a legal career. Core courses cover various types of law such as civil, criminal, commercial, and constitutional, while elective courses specialize in areas like international law, human rights, and intellectual property. The five-year program leads to a master's in law, with the first three years focused on general legal education and the final two years on specialization and practical training. Lectures, seminars, case studies, moot courts, and research projects are teaching methods employed, with practical training as a core component of the curriculum. Graduates can pursue various legal career paths or choose academic careers in legal studies.

Why Study Law Courses in Poland?

There are several reasons Why Study Law Courses in Poland:

  • High-quality education: Poland has a long history of providing high-quality education, including in the field of law. Many of Poland's universities are well-regarded and offer excellent legal education.

  • Affordable tuition fees: Compared to other European countries, Poland has relatively low tuition fees for higher education. This makes studying law in Poland a more affordable option for many students.

  • Opportunities for international students: Polish law schools are increasingly opening to international students, with many programs offering courses taught in English. Students from all over the world can benefit from the country's rich legal heritage and diverse legal culture.

  • Practical training: Law courses in Poland often provide extensive practical training opportunities, including internships and clinics. This gives students the chance to gain practical experience in real-world legal environments, preparing them for their future careers.

  • Diverse career prospects: Law graduates from Poland can expect to have a wide range of career prospects available to them, including working in private practice, government, and non-profit organizations. With a globally respected education, graduates of law courses in Poland can pursue opportunities both within and outside of the country.

Law Courses in Poland

Law courses in Poland lead to a master’s degree in law, also known as a Master of Laws (LLM). The LLM is a postgraduate degree that provides comprehensive legal education and prepares students for careers in law, academia, and other related fields.

The duration of the LLM program in Poland is typically five years, with the first three years dedicated to general legal education, while the last two years focus on specialization and practical training.

During the program, students take core courses on various types of law such as civil law, criminal law, commercial law, and constitutional law. They can also choose to specialize further by selecting elective courses in areas such as international law, human rights law, and intellectual property law.

Overall, the LLM program provides students with comprehensive knowledge, analytical skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to excel in their legal careers. Graduates of law courses in Poland can pursue various career options, including working as lawyers, judges, legal advisors, legal consultants, and corporate counsel. They can also opt for academic careers, pursuing further studies and research in legal studies.

Top Universities for Law Courses in Poland

UNIVERSITY NAME PLACE QS Global University Ranking 2024
University of Wroclaw Wroclaw, Poland #901
University of Warsaw Wroclaw, Poland #262
Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland #304
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Poland #731
University of Silesia in Katowice Katowice, Poland #1201
University of Gdansk Gdansk, Poland #951
Kozminski University Warsaw, Poland #451
University of Szczecin Szczecin, Poland #1356

Cost of Studying for Law Courses in Poland

The cost of studying for law courses in Poland varies depending on the university, the program, and the nationality of the student. However, compared to other European countries, studying in Poland is relatively affordable.

The average tuition fee for an LLM program in Poland ranges from around 6,000 to 10,000 EUR per year for EU students, while non-EU students may pay slightly more, ranging from 7,000 to 14,000 EUR per year. However, some universities may charge higher or lower fees.

Living expenses in Poland are also relatively affordable compared to Western Europe. On average, the monthly living expenses for a student in Poland ranges from about 400 to 700 EUR, depending on the city and lifestyle.

Scholarships and financial aid options are available for international students to support their studies in Poland. For instance, the Erasmus+ program offers scholarships for students enrolled in an LLM program in Poland. Additionally, many universities and private organizations offer various scholarships and grants to help offset the cost of tuition and living expenses.

Overall, while the cost of studying for law courses in Poland may vary, it is generally more affordable than other European countries, making it an attractive study destination for many international students.

Cost of Living in Poland

The cost of living in Poland is relatively affordable compared to other European countries, although it might differ depending on the city, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Below are some estimated costs of living in Poland:

  • Accommodation: The cost of accommodation in Poland varies depending on the city and type of accommodation chosen. A shared apartment or dormitory room can cost between 300-600 PLN (75-150 EUR) per month, whereas a private apartment can cost between 1,500-2,500 PLN (350-600 EUR) per month.

  • Food: The cost of food is also affordable in Poland. An average meal in a restaurant can cost between 20-50 PLN (5-12 EUR), whereas groceries for one week can cost around 200-300 PLN (50-75 EUR).

  • Transportation: Public transportation in Poland is convenient and affordable. Monthly public transportation passes cost between 90-150 PLN (20-35 EUR), whereas a one-way ticket costs around 3 PLN (0.7 EUR).

  • Entertainment: The cost of entertainment such as cinema tickets, concerts, and other events is relatively affordable, ranging from 20-60 PLN (5-15 EUR) per ticket.

Scholarships for Law Courses in Poland

There are numerous scholarship opportunities available for students who wish to study law in Poland.

The following are some of the Scholarships for Law Courses in Poland:

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship: The Erasmus+ program offers scholarships for students enrolled in an LLM program in Poland. The scholarship amount can vary, ranging from 350-850 EUR per month, depending on the country of origin and the duration of the study.

  • Visegrad Fund Scholarship: The Visegrad Fund Scholarship supports master’s programs in law and other programs in Social Sciences and Humanities. The scholarship offers support up to 4,500 EUR for tuition and living costs.

  • Poland My First Choice Scholarship: The program offers scholarships to international students who choose to study in Poland. The scholarship covers tuition fees for the first year of study, and the amount varies depending on the type of university and course.

  • Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Program: This scholarship is aimed at attracting scientists, professionals, and students of Polish roots, and it covers tuition fees for LLM programs or other courses in Poland. The scholarship amount is 13,000 PLN per year (around 3,000 EUR).

  • Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) Scholarship: NAWA offers scholarships for international students who wish to pursue their studies in Poland. The scholarship covers tuition and living expenses, and the amount varies depending on the course and the level of study.

Jobs after Law Courses in Poland

There are several job opportunities available for law graduates in Poland.

Below are some of the Jobs after Law Courses in Poland:

  • Judge - Judges preside over court proceedings and may specialize in civil, criminal, or administrative law. On average, the salary of a judge in Poland is 10,000-15,000 PLN (around 2,500-3,500 EUR) per month.

  • Advocate or Attorney - Advocates and Attorneys represent clients in legal proceedings such as trials, hearings, or negotiations. The salary of an advocate or attorney depends on their level of experience, with a starting salary of around 5,000-6,000 PLN (around 1,200-1,400 EUR) per month.

  • Legal Advisor - Legal advisors provide expert advice and guidance on legal matters to clients in the private or public sector. The salary of a legal advisor can range from 5,000-10,000 PLN (around 1,200-2,500 EUR) per month.

  • Corporate Counsel - Corporate counsels are employed by companies and corporations to provide legal advice and represent them in legal disputes. The salary of a corporate counsel in Poland can range from 10,000-15,000 PLN (around 2,500-3,500 EUR) per month.

  • Law Professor - Law Professors teach and conduct research in law schools and universities. The salary of a law professor in Poland usually ranges from 6,000-10,000 PLN (around 1,400-2,500 EUR) per month.


Pursuing a law course from Poland can provide several opportunities for students in terms of scholarships and job positions. There are several scholarship opportunities available for international students, such as the Erasmus+ scholarship, the Visegrad Fund scholarship, and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) scholarship, among others. Once students complete their law courses, they can consider career options such as a judge, advocate or attorney, legal advisor, corporate counsel, or law professor. The salary for these positions depends on several factors such as experience, location, and type of organization. Overall, studying law in Poland can help students develop their legal skills and provide them with several career opportunities in the law field in Poland and across the world.


Yes, many universities in Poland offer law courses in English, making it a popular destination for international students who wish to pursue law studies.

Some of the popular law schools in Poland include the University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University, Adam Mickiewicz University, and the University of Wroclaw.

Law courses in Poland typically last for 3-4 years for a bachelor’s degree and 5-6 years for a Master's degree.

Yes, international students can work in Poland after completing their law courses if they obtain a work permit. They can also consider working for international law firms with offices in Poland.

Law students in Poland can develop several skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical skills, legal writing, research, and communication skills. They may also gain knowledge in different areas of law such as civil, criminal, family, and international law.

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