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Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember

Describe a Happy Experience from Your Childhood That You Remember - IELTS Cue Card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 25 April 2024 & Read Time 8 minutes


Speaking is a form of art that goes beyond simply displaying one's language efficacy; it takes concentration and a good vocabulary. The cue card component in the IELTS speaking test allows you to express yourself and show off your language proficiency with precision, clarity, and creativity.


In this blog, we will cover one of the most common IELTS cue card topics: ‘Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember.’ This is one topic to which every human can relate, but if you find it difficult to express or describe, here are some sample answers.


So, without any further delay, let’s start!

Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember cue card- sample answer 1


When perceived from an adult's perspective, childhood is a time of no responsibility. The most a kid has to worry about is completing his/ her homework on time and then rushing to go and play. Likewise, even I would like to share a cherished memory of mine.




What is it?

One such memory I remember very clearly is when I was in higher kindergarten; I made a few friends near where I live. They were around my age, and the highlight for me was the time spent playing. All of us combined used to decide a day prior what we would play along with the time. Our everyday task was to complete all our homework on time so that we could get more play time together.


When did it happen?

I made friends when I was in higher kindergarten, and they have been my friends ever since. My mother was delighted that I was an active kid and that playtime was something I enjoyed and was interested in. Thinking back, making friends at that time was the easiest thing to do, and those were the easiest friendships, with only the expectation of coming on time for playing.


How did you feel at the time?

During playtime, I felt the best as I used to enjoy playing games and had people outside my home to talk to. After growing up, I understood that it was the best time of childhood because every kid felt included and there were no harsh or ill feelings for anyone. In addition, things were very simple.



To conclude, childhood friendships are the easiest and the most uncomplicated ones. There are basic to no expectations and they provide the most amount of satisfaction.


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Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember cue card- sample answer 2


Happy childhood experiences can easily be translated to the times when I visited my grandparents' house and all the cousins would get together. We would all gather to enjoy various activities, eat the city's delicacies and more. Moving forward, I will discuss a few of those memories from my childhood.


What is it?

The distinct memory is correct from the train journey, which was filled with lots of sleep and food. My mum used to pack food for the train and then after reaching, my aunt used to prepare all of our favourite dishes as well. Then, all the cousins would play all around in the house. Along with it, my nani’s place was on the 7th floor, and every evening, the weather used to be very pleasant, and all of us enjoyed it while sitting on the sliding window with precaution.


When did it happen?

The staple memory I distinctly remember is when we used to visit our Nani’s house for a month every summer vacation. This was a ritual we followed every year during school break. The vacation started right from our train journey to the city, which took about 1 whole day and then the fun used to start on reaching.


How did you feel at the time?

Those were the best times, as there was no headache from school, homework, exams, tests or anything else. The best part about the vacation was that there were no restrictions on watching television and sleeping. We could sleep whenever we wanted, watch television to our heart’s content, and much more.



To conclude, childhood at Nani’s place was the most relaxing and fun time and will be cherished forever. These memories can never be forgotten, and I still get the same feeling when I visit them.


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Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember cue card- sample answer 3


Childhood can be a bittersweet experience. Every person goes through different phases and creates different memories. Some of those memories are sweet, and some are bad. Still, every person has one or two good memories from their childhood that they cherish for life. I will be discussing one such memory today.


What is it?

I have always loved outdoor activities and wanted to learn martial arts. I asked my parents to allow me to learn martial arts and they agreed to it. This is one thing that I have wanted to do for a long time, along with tournaments and all the other procedures included in it.


When did it happen?

It happened when I was in the 6th standard, and I had already been asking my parents to allow me to get into martial arts. After a long while, they hired a teacher who used to come home and teach me. Eventually, when my parents saw my progress, they were happy with the decision and they saw how interested and happy I was doing it.


How did you feel at the time?

I felt great after starting my martial arts classes. In addition to the classes, I was also allowed to go to tournaments, where I won gold medals for myself, which made my parents super proud. They were delighted to see my interest in the sport and encouraged me to continue. They later helped me get my black belt as well.



To summarise, childhood memories are always filled with the simplest things that bring joy to our faces. These memories help us connect with the little things and make us appreciate things around us.


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IELTS Speaking Part 3- Follow-up questions

Question- Why is childhood important?

Answer- Childhood, in my opinion, is the purest and happiest time in a person's life since it is free from worries and immorality. All children are carefree and have two priorities in life: playing and having fun.


Question- How did you spend your childhood?

Answer- The majority of my childhood was spent playing and spending time with my family and friends. I used to hang out with a lot of people on our neighbourhood street where we would play games like hide-and-seek. However, I spent much of my time painting, dancing, and sketching at home.


Question- Who was your childhood hero? Did you want to be like him/her?

Answer- In my childhood, Jason was my hero. One of the most memorable TV characters I can recall is from the show "Power Rangers." He is credited as being the first Red Ranger to appear on film—not the original from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie—and as the captain of the first Power Rangers squad to appear on screen. He was my boyhood idol, and I occasionally played with my siblings and tried to use my powers like Jason did.


Question- How is childhood today different from childhood in the past?

Answer- Kids now have just as many possibilities as I did to really travel the world. My sole responsibilities as a youngster were attending school, playing with friends and completing schoolwork. However, compared to me, children nowadays have more possibilities and information than I did when I was their age.


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“Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember” is the easiest and one of the most common topics in the IELTS speaking cue cards. This is one topic on which every one of you will have something or the other to talk about. Still, we have curated a few sample answers in a structured manner for your ease.


We hope you learned how to answer the “Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember” type of questions in your IELTS speaking test. If you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS, you can contact our expert counsellors at Meridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC). You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact or 1800-1230-00011.

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