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  • CEEPUS Full Form - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies

    Full Form of CEEPUS


    Full Form of CEEPUS

    What is the Full Form of CEEPUS

    With 15 Central European countries involved, CEEPUS stands for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. This academic exchange program in education and research provides teachers and students with the chance to study or teach abroad at partner universities. The program began in 1995 and is currently in its third phase. As seen by the growing number of participants, it is becoming increasingly successful.


    CEEPUS's primary focus is university networks- which are made up of at least three universities from three different countries- that run collaborative programs. Within this framework, CEEPUS provides funding for teacher and student mobility. This is a singular chance for knowledge and experience exchange between nations with a shared cultural heritage and a long history of academic collaboration.


    Categories for CEEPUS

    There are a few categories and conditions for applying for the CEEPUS; those conditions are as follows as per the different people applying for it-

    • Undergraduate students: a minimum stay of three months and a maximum stay of ten months.

    • Student – Short-Term: 1-2 months to complete a thesis for a master's, doctoral, or bachelor's degree.

    • Summer Schools: six to twenty days; hosted by the host institution.

    • Student Travel: Temporary Excursion: 3–10 days, hosted by the home institution or another.

    • Instructor Mobility: Instructors for at least five days and six hours of instruction or supervision.

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    Conditions to Apply for CEEPUS

    There are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled before applying for CEEPUS; those are as follows-

    • To apply, students must have completed at least two semesters in the relevant subject of study.

    • Candidates must attach an equal status document (a teaching contract or university entrance paperwork) or be citizens of a CEEPUS country.

    • Maximum stay of ten months for each bachelor's or master's cycle

    • You must contact the appropriate CEEPUS coordinator at your home institution before submitting an application.

    • Lecturers must demonstrate that they have taught at least six hours a day, five days a week, at the host institution.


    Eligibility for CEEPUS

    There are different eligibility criteria for CEEPUS-

    • To attend a university in a nation that is part of CEEPUS.

    • To hold citizenship in one of the EU's or EWR's member states or in CEEPUS. In order to apply, students who are not citizens of a CEEPUS member state must attach an "equal status document" (such as a residency permit or visa).

    • Two semesters of a standard course of study were finished. 

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