I have seen most of your videos. Can you guide me, I am a simple B. Com graduate and I am 35 years old. Currently I am working in a Private bank . I want to move overseas and earn higher salary as my salary is very low here and also toxic working culture. Can you guide me how can I change. : Welcome to Meridean Overseas
I have seen most of your videos. Can you guide me, I am a simple B. Com graduate and I am 35 years old. Currently I am working in a Private bank . I want to move overseas and earn higher salary as my salary is very low here and also toxic working culture. Can you guide me how can I change.
If you want to give wings to your career, our team of expert counsellors will provide you with guidance throughout your study abroad. Please do not hesitate to contact us at application02@meridean.org or 1800-1230-00011.