Hello....Can you suggest mbbs universities with affordable price and plenty of scholarship opportunities for a 17-year-old Nepali student? : Welcome to Meridean Overseas
Many universities in the UK, USA, Canada and Italy offer MBBS courses to international students. If you have any specific country in mind, you can get in touch with our country counsellors. Our Expert counsellor will help you to shortlist MBBS universities. For enrolment, you can contact us at application02@meridean.org or 1800-1230-00011.
Many universities in the UK, USA, Canada and Italy offer MBBS courses to international students. If you have any specific country in mind, you can get in touch with our country counsellors. Our Expert counsellor will help you to shortlist MBBS universities. For enrolment, you can contact us at application02@meridean.org or 1800-1230-00011.